
These 3 Zodiac Signs Are The Least Private

They’re an open book.

by Carolyn Steber
These are the least private signs of the zodiac.
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Everyone has that one friend who truly does not care about being quiet, private, or demure. And if you don’t have that friend? Well, then it’s probably you.

While some zodiac signs like to keep their thoughts locked up tight, others don’t have a care in the world when it comes to oversharing. Privacy isn’t at the top of the list of things they deem important, and it’s honestly what makes them so fun to be around.

The least private zodiac signs are the stars of the show on social media. These are the folks you can count on to post intimate Get Ready With Me videos or to paw through their purse for a What’s In My Bag. They’ll pull out tampons and medications without batting an eye, and they constantly post the most interesting Stories throughout the day.

These zodiac signs are also tend to be the most chatty during get-togethers. If you ask them what they’ve been up to, don’t expect a curt answer or a vague reply. Instead, they’ll fill you in on all the juiciest details of their life — without ever pausing to potentially hold something back.

Wondering who’s the biggest open book of the zodiac? Then keep reading below for the least private zodiac signs.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

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Once a Leo has a captive audience, there’s no guessing what they might say. This fire sign will hold court as they tell back-to-back stories about their wildest experiences and biggest accomplishments. You can practically see a spotlight forming around them as they speak.

The lack of desire for privacy is what makes Leos so fun at parties, and it’s why they make excellent podcast guests. They’ll share their secrets and dive into the juiciest details of their private life — all without a second thought. Leos are the true open books of the zodiac not only because they love the attention, but because they genuinely believe honesty is the best way to connect with others. And you know what? They’re kind of right.

If you’re friends with a Leo, you’ll quickly get used to the fact they have no filter. They’ll send you lengthy voice messages throughout the day detailing their every thought and mood, and when you meet up in person you can expect even more details as they list everything they’ve done — and eaten, thought, and dreamed — since you last hung out.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

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While it’s a true toss-up between Venus-ruled Libra and Mercury-ruled Gemini when it comes to the air signs who notoriously overshare, Libras do edge ahead simply because they never seem to take a day off.

They’ll post on their socials from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to bed. And when they aren’t busy sharing Stories on Instagram, they’re most likely gabbing in a group chat. This talkative, sociable sign lives for the sense of connection that comes with being open. It doesn’t matter if you met them five minutes ago or five years ago — they firmly believe no topic is off-limits.

These traits are on full display during hangouts IRL, too. A Libra might share a dark family story while casually cutting their pancakes at brunch or rattle off their health ailments while sipping a cocktail at the bar. By the end of the evening, you’ll know all about their IBS, the drama with their uncle, and the fact they’re planning to get back together with their ex.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

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Sagittarians are constantly dropping new lore. Right when you think you know everything about them, they’ll come out with a fresh factoid that completely blows you away. Wait, they lived in Alaska? They dated the lead singer of your favorite band? They have no shortage of epic stories to tell, and they’re happy to share each and every one, complete with all the nitty-gritty details.

This fire sign is way too extroverted to be private or secretive, and they also respect the importance of honesty. Their willingness to be so open is why Sagittarians are so magnetic and fun to be around.

Sagittarians also love a truth bomb. When this sign has something on their mind, they aren’t going to pull you aside for a private conversation or ultimately decide their opinions are better left unsaid. Instead, they’re going to get the attention of everyone within a 20-foot radius and blurt out their thoughts. As one of the bluntest members of the zodiac, you never have to guess what a Sagittarius is thinking.