
16 Cute Ways To Wish Your Crush Good Morning

Talking to someone new? Here’s how to craft the perfect wake-up text.

by Jay Polish
Originally Published: 
Here's how to send a good morning text to your crush.
Ivan Pantic/E+/Getty Images

When you’re in the early stages of seeing someone, it can sometimes feel like a throwback to having a brand new crush in high school and wanting to talk to them every day. Perhaps you’re even pretty sure you want to date them, and the texting back and forth every night you have going on is definitely not purely platonic. If that’s the case, they might be on your mind pretty much all the time, especially when you wake up — but how do you send a good morning text to your crush without it seeming like too much, too fast?

As relationship coach Sabrina Flores explains, you’re not alone in that worry. “At some point in the last several years, there's been a trending idea that the more interest you show a potential new partner at the early stages of dating, the more you risk scaring them away and ‘losing your chance,’” Flores tells Bustle.

Showing someone that you’re actively interested in them can definitely be scary. “When people are getting to know someone, there might be a hesitancy to be open,” adds psychotherapist Lillyana Morales, LMHC. But that fear can mean your “good morning, sweet crush of mine” texts never get sent — or worse, they come off as big friend-zone vibes, which isn’t what you actually want to convey.

If you’re trying to be the first thing on your crush’s mind in the morning, just think about your texts as yet another way to get to know them. “Good morning texts are a fantastic way to be open and vulnerable with someone by giving them a more transparent idea of how you think and feel about them: regardless of whether you're looking for a relationship, something casual, or just wanting to see where things go,” Flores says. “I see good morning texts as tools to build the intimacy in a relationship that is already headed towards a more meaningful connection.”

Plus, you can start to figure out your crush’s personality and idiosyncrasies. If they would prefer your pre-coffee salutations to come in after they’ve been caffeinated, the beginning of your relationship is a great time to find that out. If they’re someone who loves pet names, the earlier you know, the more fun you can have calling them something cute and playful. “Imagine how much time and trouble you save by setting a solid foundation,” Morales says.

Knowing how to send good morning texts, especially early in the relationship, can be tricky. But, as Morales tells Bustle, there’s no such thing as the perfect message to say to the person who’s got your heart racing — just be you. To save yourself some early morning stress, check out these 16 expert-backed good morning text ideas to send your crush.

1“Good morning!”

yulkapopkova/E+/Getty Images

Short, simple, and to the point — you can’t go wrong here. Add a goofy emoji of your choice if you don’t want to agonize over whether now is too soon for heart eyes. “Starting your day by letting someone know that they're on your mind first thing in the morning is a very sweet, mindful, and intimate gesture,” says Flores.

2“I was thinking about how much you like [insert thing they like here], so enjoy!”

There’s nothing like checking your phone in the morning to find an irreverent meme or funny TikTok. Show your crush that you pay attention to what they like, and maybe they’ll get the hint that you have feelings for them. As Trina Leckie, relationship coach and host of the Breakup BOOST podcast, previously told Bustle, humor can go a long way by breaking the ice and making you both more comfortable with each other. “People love to laugh and are attracted to a great sense of humor,” Leckie said. “Plus, you can see if your humor is similar, and that’s a great way to grow that bond.”

3“I hope you have a wonderful day.”

Adding the “I hope” here personalizes your well-wishes, according to Morales. And you definitely want your good morning texts to be personal. One of the most important things you want to do when sending a morning text is to make it feel genuine and fun. “Keep it light, fun, and a little flirty,” Leckie said. “Be positive and maintain good energy.”

4“Morning! I know you have a lot going on today — I believe in you!”

When you know they’ve got something stressful or important going on that day, it might be the time to break out the sweet hype-man texts. Sending a supportive text alongside some funny, lighthearted emojis — such as the flexing arm muscle or twinkling stars — can go a long way to putting a smile on their face. Plus, shooting them a message like this reminds them that you actually care about them and remember what’s going on in their life — and that’s pretty romantic.

“Just as in real life, you need to inspire an emotional response from someone to build a connection,” Damona Hoffman, official OkCupid dating coach and host of The Dates & Mates Podcast, previously told Bustle. “Emotion doesn't have to be a romantic connection on par with The Notebook.”

5“Looking forward to hugging you today!”

Got a hangout or date scheduled for later today? Morales says that when your person’s love language is physical touch, you can remind them that you’re open to IRL affection — even if they’re not waking up next to you just yet. Plus, reminding them that you’re seeing them later might help build some fun anticipation.

6“I hope you slept well!”

It’s nice, it shows you care, and it’s just a little intimate. In other words, it strikes a great balance of “be mine” and “hope you’re doing well, bro.” It’s just casual enough to be easy and breezy, but it still shows your interest in a way that will make them smile upon reading. “If someone is genuinely right for you, then seeing a text from you at the start of their day will make them feel seen, valued, and safe,” says Flores.

7“Hey you [insert emoji here].”

A heart will make this good morning text sincere and (literally) heart-warming. A winky face will do something else entirely. You can always go with a classic smile if you’re looking for that happy middle ground. One thing to note, though, is being aware of where you are with the other person in terms of your relationship. You don’t want to bombard them with hearts if it’s very early on, as Flores explains.

“If you're still in the very early stages of getting to know them and trying to evaluate whether you both are compatible, I would personally hold off until you have a more secure and confident idea that they're someone you want to keep engaging with,” she says.

8“Thinking about you this morning. Hope you slept well and have a great rest of your day.”

Morales says that especially if your crush’s love language is words of affirmation, letting them know you’re waking up with them on your mind can be as simple as saying so. This one can definitely be on the more upfront sentimental side, though — especially depending on emoji use — so be aware of whether or not it fits the timeline of your relationship so far, as Flores says. If it does fit, send away!

“Give a flirtatious indication that you care about them and are interested in them — plain and simple,” says Flores. “This one's a bit bolder, for sure, but can most definitely move things along in the right direction if you're getting the feeling that they feel the same way!”

9“Good morning! You’re amazing!”

Oscar Wong/Moment/Getty Images

Who doesn’t want to be reminded that they’re amazing first thing in the morning? Sending some uplifting energy your crush’s way will help you both start your day with a smile. After all, the whole point of a morning text is to remind them of how you feel. “I often tell my clients who are worried about rushing the progression of a relationship (aka being ‘too much, too fast’) that there is nothing wrong with being honest with someone and letting them know that they're on your mind, as long as you're being intentional with what you're doing and why you're doing it,” says Flores.

10“Morning! [insert selfie here].”

Not for the faint of heart, the morning photo is to be reserved for when you’re already on a selfie-sending basis with your crush. Try a smile with your cup of coffee if you want to err on the cautious side, or go for a bleary but adorable just-waking-up shot if you’re feeling extra brave. In fact, sending a funny early morning snap — disheveled hair, lack of excitement — might go a long way in making them see you in a real, laidback sense.

“Showing humility and self-awareness is a very desirable quality, so when you show you have a sense of humor (even about yourself), that can make your crush see you in a positive light,” Hoffman said.

11“Good morning, beautiful.”

Ah yes, the remix of the classic that’s bound to get their heart fluttering. Save this one for when you’re a bit more familiar with each other — pressing send will make your heart skip, too. “If you're interested in a relationship with someone, want to start building a more intimate relationship with them, and are looking for a partner who feels and wants the same, go for it!” says Flores. “I've never been a fan of holding yourself back from the authentic expression of love and excitement.”

12“Hey! Hope you have a great day, just passed that coffee shop you like and I thought of you.”

This kind of text can be about anything — restaurants, movies, songs, plants, books, fashion, you name it. It shows that you’re not only thinking of them during your day, but you also remember specific things about them, which always means a lot. “Let them know that they're on your mind,” says Flores. “I love throwing in something that reminds you of them!”

13"I'm still not over what you said yesterday. You really liked Emily In Paris more than Bridgerton?!”

Another way to casually re-up a convo with a morning text is to bring up something you two were talking about the day or night before. “Add something additional to a conversation or interaction that happened the previous evening that opens the door for more conversation to happen throughout the day,” says Flores. It’s a very smooth way of saying, “Hey! I want to talk to you more!” without being too overt and in their face.

14“Was thinking about last night, and just wanted to thank you for holding space for me and listening. It meant a lot.”

Why do evening and late night chats always seem to be the ones that get deep? If that was the case for you and your crush, it leaves a perfect opening for the next morning. “Follow up and check in the morning after conversations where one (or both) of you had opened up a bit more vulnerably and openly than either of you had before,” says Flores.

15“Morning! What was the name of that breakfast spot you were talking about the other day?”

Remember, there’s no need to jump into anything too full of feelings. “If you're still in the very early stages of getting to know them and trying to evaluate whether you both are compatible, I would personally hold off until you have a more secure and confident idea that they're someone you want to keep engaging with,” says Flores. Sending a casual morning question like this one might be a good way to test the waters to see if early day convos are something you both are open to.

16"Hey, you! Was wondering if you were free tomorrow night. I'd love to see you."

Another great idea for a morning text, as Flores explains, is to “attempt to make plans for later in the day [or] week.” It will likely get them excited to see you and make them think about you all day long. You want them to think about you just as much as you’re letting them know that you’re thinking of them!

All in all, when it comes to how to say good morning to your crush, it can definitely be nerve-racking. But with a little bit of thought and effort, it will most likely be worth it. “Any time you open yourself up to someone in a vulnerable way, the possibility of being turned down can seem a lot scarier,” Flores says. “The rejection might seem a lot more personal if you're upfront with your interest in them, but the truth is, putting yourself out there by showing them who you are and what you want also increases the likelihood of keeping the right people around.”


Sabrina Flores, relationship coach

Lillyana Morales, L.M.H.C., M.A. in mental health counseling, psychotherapist

Trina Leckie, relationship coach and host of the Breakup BOOST podcast

Damona Hoffman, official OkCupid dating coach and host of The Dates & Mates Podcast

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