7 Flirty Goodnight Texts To Send Your Crush Before Bed
Because you want to be the last thing on their mind for the day.

You just started talking to someone new, and you’ve been texting back and forth all day. Now you’re laying in bed, and it’s almost midnight. You don’t want the conversation to end, but your eyes are tired and you have to get up early for work in the morning. So, what’s the best way to end the conversation while leaving them wanting more the next day? According to experts, sending a flirty goodnight text is always a good move.
“Texting your partner at night is a super effective strategy because when we go to sleep, that’s when we consolidate all of our memories and experiences from the day,” psychotherapist Avigail Lev, Psy.D., tells Bustle. “So if you were the last person that your partner interacted with before they went to sleep, you are more likely to stay on their mind.”
Alternatively, if you haven’t yet reached the level where you and your crush are swapping messages round the clock, Susan Trombetti, matchmaker and CEO of Exclusive Matchmaking, tells Bustle that good night texts are a great way to let them know they’re on your mind. When you’re trying to make a romantic relationship happen, it can be good to keep making your interest known. And the more fun and flirty the messages are, the better.
“Having fun is a building block in a relationship,” Trombetti says. “What better way to flirt, or have fun with a romantic prospect than through text. It's one of the perfect tools you can use in this digital world to build and maintain a connection, and just feel someone's positive vibes.”
If you’re looking for some inspiration on what to send, here are some flirty goodnight texts to try out before you drift off to dreamland tonight.
“I’ll be dreaming of you tonight ;)”
Texting someone that you’ll be dreaming of them is similar to saying you’re always thinking of them. According to Trombetti, that’s always a great text to receive when it’s coming from your romantic interest. It’s even better if you follow it up with a good morning text the next day.
“I can’t wait to see you tomorrow! Goodnight [insert emoji here].”
Texts that show your enthusiasm for seeing them again always work, says Trombetti. It also works to include an emoji or two. “Anything positive counts as flirting, so you don't need to be a wiz at this,” she says. In other words, don’t overthink it.
“Thanks for making me smile at my phone all night. Sweet dreams.”
When you’re sending a goodnight text, consider something more sweet than sensual. If you have to wake up early in the morning, an overtly sext-y message might reinvigorate the back-and-forth, and you’ll never get to sleep. According to Erica Suzanne Fultz, dating coach and matchmaker, this type of encouraging text says you’re really happy talking to them. “It’s a really sweet and innocent way to be flirty.”
“Hey, call me. I want to hear your voice.”
Sometimes reading a goodnight text isn’t enough. If you want to hear your crush’s voice before you go to bed, be bold and let them know. According to Emyli Lovz, dating coach and matchmaker, it’s hot to “express your wants.” They’ll appreciate you taking the initiative.
“I can’t wait to wake up to the thought of your gorgeous face.”
Everyone loves receiving compliments. This type of text also implies future thoughts and actions, Fultz says. “It’s keeps the person hopeful!”
“I wish I could stay up all night and talk to you, but I really have to go to bed.”
This type of goodnight text is effective because it’s straightforward. According to Lev, it shows that you’re confident, honest, and don’t play games. “When you portray confidence in relationships you show that you have a secure attachment style and that you are able to be consistent and clear,” she says.
“Goodnight, [Crush’s Name Here] <3”
According to Lovz, people tend to love it when their name is used. Although it may not seem like such a huge deal, it’s a very simple way to build more of a connection with someone. So make it a point to use your person’s first name in your goodnight text. Make it extra flirty with a heart or kissing face emoji.
Avigail Lev, Psy.D., psychotherapist
Susan Trombetti, matchmaker and CEO of Exclusive Matchmaking
Emyli Lovz, dating coach and matchmaker
Erica Suzanne Fultz, dating coach and matchmaker
This article was originally published on