Here's The Luckiest Ritual For Every Zodiac Sign
Clovers and angel numbers are just the beginning.

Whether you’ve been feeling a touch unlucky lately, or simply want to bring even more positive vibes your way, there’s no shortage of good luck rituals that can help point you in the right direction and invite serendipity to find you wherever you go.
According to Patty Kamson, an astrologer, mystic, and spiritual coach, a good luck ritual can help you connect with your intentions, create a touchstone in your day that feels special or sacred, and send a good note off to the universe.
This might mean carrying a lucky crystal, pulling a tarot card in the morning, or lighting a candle at an altar. Whatever it is, “luck-enhancing habits give us a sense of control, positivity, and magic in our lives,” she tells Bustle. “And each zodiac sign might feel naturally attracted to different types of rituals, depending on their unique traits and beliefs.”
Earth signs will likely feel drawn to grounded, tangible rituals with a visible impact, she says, while water signs will love more mystical methods, fire signs enjoy creative rituals, and air signs prefer ceremonies that are fast, fun, and easy.
“Each of these rituals taps into different kinds of energy, allowing individuals to connect with what feels most aligned for them,” she says. Keep reading below for the good luck ritual that’s best for your zodiac sign, according to astrologers.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Create A Good Luck Altar
Aries, consider creating a good luck altar where you can slow down and just be. As a Mars-ruled fire sign, this will be your place where you can sit, think, and manifest before dashing through your day.
According to Kamson, you can make an altar by choosing meaningful items to you or finding items that hold certain intentions, like a green jade crystal for prosperity, a bay leaf for good fortune, or a small candle for clarity.
“Arrange them neatly on a tray or shelf and each morning take a moment to focus on your goals as you light the candle or hold the crystal,” she says. This small moment will help you set an intention for the day so you’re ready when good luck comes your way.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Carry A Good Luck Charm
As a Venus-ruled earth, Taurus is all about collecting beautiful things, whether it’s stones, cards, trinkets, or jewels. According to Jana Stern, psychic and astrologer, your best good luck ritual is as simple as throwing one of these meaningful objects into your pockets or bags and calling it a charm. Some classics are crystals, horseshoes, ladybugs, four-leaf clovers, and lucky numbers.
To charge it up with good energy, you can hold it in your hand, set an intention, and then trust that that vibe will stick to the object like glue. Whenever you need a dose of luck, simply reach for it and squeeze it.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Look For Angel Numbers
As an observant air sign ruled by Mercury, Geminis will have an easy time picking up on angel numbers, whether it’s a row of sevens on the license plate in front of you in traffic, the time 3:33 on a microwave, or the date when it reads 2/22 or 11/11.
Geminis are intellectual and curious, so luck rituals that pop up in everyday life feel fun and engaging,” says Kamson. “Try making a wish every time you catch an angel number. This quick, playful act is perfect for your on-the-go lifestyle and adds a little magic to your day — without being too serious.”
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Talk To The Moon
When was the last time you talked to the moon? As a water sign ruled by this celestial body, Cancers are already really tapped into emotions and intentions, but according to Stern, you can amp them up even more by setting aside time to chat with the sky.
To embrace this part of your personality, Kamson suggests manifesting during the new moon and letting things go during a full moon ritual to manifest your goals — and to help let things go. When you aren’t weighed down by the past, you’ll be ready when good things come your way.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Visualize It
As a fire sign ruled by the sun, Leos have strong imaginations — and a lot of belief in themselves, says Kamson. To ensure more luck comes your way, often all you have to do is visualize it and consider it done.
Sit down, close your eyes, and picture something good happening to you. See it in vivid detail, just as you’d like it to play out. If you’d like to make it extra powerful, try lighting a candle.
“This fire sign loves a bit of dramatic flair, and so they'll turn to full-blown manifesting when they need to get some luck in,” says Inbaal Honigman, an astrologer and tarot reader. “A white candle rubbed in jasmine essential oil, lit on a Saturday, is the all-singing, all-dancing ritual that a Leo can appreciate.”
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Wear A Lucky Crystal
Virgos love to have a crystal in their pocket, a gem in their bag, or a pretty rock on a necklace, especially if it has lots of meaning. “Some people find luck in carrying a stone or crystal with energy that aligns with an intention — rose quartz for love, citrine for abundance, or black tourmaline for protection,” says Kamson.
Crystals are especially appealing to earth signs, who adore rocks and feel very connected to them. Virgos, in particular, with their pragmatic nature, will find comfort in the solidity of a stone. “It gives them something tactile to connect with as they move through their day,” says Kamson.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Create A Charm Bowl
As a Libra who likely already has pretty things lying around, try the good luck charm bowl ritual. To get started, dig through your pockets and the top of your dresser for charms or tokens that represent your wishes, like a miniature key representing a new apartment or a feather that might remind you to be positive.
“Place them in a decorative bowl on your vanity or desk,” says Kamson. “Each morning, pick one item from the bowl and carry it with you as your lucky charm for the day. This ritual appeals to your love for beauty and balance, while the daily selection keeps your energy fresh and aligned.”
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Pull A Tarot Card
As a water sign ruled by transformational Pluto, it’s easy for Scorpio to pick up on signs and messages from the universe. To tap into that even more, make it a morning tradition to pull a tarot or oracle card to set the tone for the day.
“This ritual appeals to signs like Scorpio, who appreciate symbols, hidden meanings, and mystical insight that can guide them through life,” says Kamson. Prop it up within view so you can see it and let its message guide you.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Walk Under The Stars
As a fire sign ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius is already naturally lucky. To amplify it even more, try going for a walk under a starry sky the next time you need a boost.
“Taking a walk under the stars and making a wish when you see a shooting star can feel like a direct connection to cosmic energy,” says Kamson. “This practice resonates with signs that crave freedom and adventure, like Sagittarius, who feel at home with nature’s wonders.”
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Write A Note
As pragmatic, Saturn-ruled earth signs, it’s easy for Capricorns to brush off good luck rituals — but that might be why you need them most. To help nudge an outcome in your favor, try writing what you want on a piece of paper and sleeping on it.
“Some people write down a specific wish or affirmation on paper and place it under their pillow, allowing the intention to ‘marinate’ in their subconscious as they sleep,” says Kamson. Doing something like this might help you tap into your more intuitive side, and help you see things with fresh eyes in the morning.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Turn To A Random Page
To help things go your way, Aquarians should try working with their favorite books. “Each morning open to a random page and read the first sentence you see,” says Kamson. “Let this passage serve as a guiding message or insight for your day.”
Sometimes you’ll be shocked by what you read. Other times it won’t seem to apply. But that’s all part of the fun. “This ritual aligns with your love for unconventional wisdom and intellectual exploration, giving you a fresh perspective to carry forward and inviting unexpected luck through chance and curiosity,” she says.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Put Intentions Into Water
To bring more luck your way, Kamson recommends working with Pisces’ element. “Fill a small bowl with fresh water and hold it in your hands, focusing on your intentions — whether it’s luck in love, creativity, or new opportunities,” she says.
Next, gently blow onto the surface of the water as you picture it filling with your goals and desires, “then pour it out onto a plant or into the earth, symbolizing release and trust in the universe.” This ritual is so Pisces-coded because it taps into your dreamy, intuitive nature and allows you to set intentions in a simple, watery way.
Patty Kamson, astrologer, mystic, spiritual coach
Inbaal Honigman, astrologer, tarot reader
Jana Stern, psychic, astrologer