
11 Glute Exercises That Use Weights For An Added Burn

Grab some dumbbells.

by Carolyn Steber
Trainers share their favorite glute exercises with weights.
Add in high-energy moves to your low-impact cardio sequence.


If you want to take your usual booty workouts to the next level, add a dumbbell or two and you’ll really feel the burn. Once you’ve picked up the appropriate equipment, get started with these trainer-approved glute exercises with weights.

Deadlifts strengthen the backs of your legs to support your knees.



Trainer Alex Weissner loves this exercise to strengthen glutes.

- Feet hip-width apart, dumbbell in each hand.

- Hinge hips, bring dumbbells to toes. Keep flat back, knees slightly bent.

- Feel pull in hamstrings, engage glutes, stand up slowly.

Do 3 sets of 12 reps.
