Your 2024 Love & Sex Horoscope
Expect dramatic moments and deep commitment — mark your calendar.

A new year is on the horizon, brimming with passionate and curious cosmic alignments to energize your love life. As you settle down for the holiday season, look to the future; what commitments you are ready to make or finally leave behind?
Across the board, 2024 brings major milestones and dramatic moments. Commitments are growing serious, and the deep healing that transpires under the Aries and Libra eclipses will motivate you to search for longer-term partnerships. Regardless of your relationship status, set clear on your standards and set stronger boundaries; this will help you feel more sure of yourself and what you need to feel loved.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
There’s huge potential for a lighthearted fling to steal your attention in July. However, if you aren’t planning to stick around, don’t let passion overwhelm you. Have responsible fun and avoid behaving recklessly, or you will be forced to face consequences during Mars retrograde on Dec. 6.
Pressures will mount this fall if you are already in an established partnership. You might not feel seen by your significant other, or you may realize you have lost your sense of individuality. Don’t push your partner away when expressing how you feel. Reflect on how you can bring new life to your relationship that leaves space for more freedom.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Leave your dating habits in 2023 and start the year fresh. Prioritize developing mental and emotional compatibility rather than looking for people to heal and fix. When Mercury and Venus join forces in discrete Virgo on Aug. 5, enjoy getting to know someone without rushing to settle down until you are sure they tick all your boxes.
A window of opportunity to deepen your most intimate relationships lies between Sept. 22 and Oct. 17, when Venus transits seductive Scorpio. Don’t fear your intensifying desires to take your commitment to the next level. The more you allow yourself to be vulnerable, the closer you and your partner will become.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
An early breakup during the March-April eclipse season will leave you feeling more relieved than disappointed. You’ll easily attract someone new, especially with Venus and the Sun in your zodiac sign on June 4.
The game-changing solar eclipse in Libra on Oct. 2 brings a fruitful new beginning for your love life. Whether you are manifesting the perfect date or a marriage proposal, trust that luck is on your side as you build toward your dreams. If you’re single later that fall, don’t be surprised if one of your friends becomes a lover when Venus connects with explorative Jupiter on Nov. 3.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Be transparent about your feelings before getting hot and heavy. Hooking up with someone who doesn’t share your emotions will hurt you in the long run. Your passionate encounters will be short-lived as the full moon in Scorpio cuts through the attachments you have formed too quickly on April 23.
If your relationship survived the last Mercury retrograde of 2023 and you are calling in the new year with the love of your life, congratulations! Build toward a greater vision and goal with your partner. Pay attention to your joint income and savings; money could be the source of arguments from May 2 to Oct. 11 during Pluto’s destabilizing retrograde.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Commitment is at the forefront of your mind in 2024, though you may regret letting the wrong people close to you during Saturn retrograde from June 29 to Nov. 15. Don’t create emotional walls. Set firm boundaries that allow you to take a chance on love while protecting your heart from people who aren’t looking to settle down.
If you have a date on Valentine’s Day, Venus, Mars, and Pluto’s thrilling conjunction will overwhelm you with desire and leave you craving more. Love can drive you to act in dramatic, obsessive, and even possessive ways. From Nov. 25 to Dec. 15, spend Mercury retrograde reflecting on feelings that have gone overboard.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Having explored your options and developed a better understanding of your needs, you are finally ready to receive the love you deserve in 2024. Pay attention to who you meet on Jan. 28; a beautiful and spiritual connection between Venus and Jupiter could bring magnetic opportunities to manifest your soulmate. When Mars rages through Aries from April 30 to May 15, avoid rushing to form financial commitments with your partner that could invite additional pressures into your lives.
If you want to strengthen your relationships, spend more time getting to know your significant other through their family. But, be warned that growth in your career and heightened attention received from others could create underlying problems with jealousy and boundaries in August and again in December.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Venus, Mars, and Pluto are lining up in Aquarius to supercharge your sex life in February. Prepare for an intense connection with someone who knows just what to do. As your love affairs become more passionate and extreme, be careful to avoid getting caught up in the intense fluctuations of on-again/off-again flirtationships.
Putting yourself first will cause a dramatic energy shift in the relationships you were carrying all on your own. Pay attention to how people behave when you start to pull back. Do they stop texting? Do they wait for you to plan the next date? Mercury and Pluto retrograde will push you to address imbalances in your relationships. Be confident about what you know you deserve.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
A sweet romance that seems too good to be true will blossom as Venus unites with Neptune in Pisces on April 3. Keep your intuition sharp without growing paranoid with ungrounded suspicions. You deserve to be showered with love. Changing relationship dynamics from May to September will prompt you to reconsider your readiness to take things to the next level.
If you are in a relationship, turn to your partner for comfort as turbulent Uranus tests the foundations of your love. This year may drive a wedge between you. If you are single, expect to feel uncertain about your feelings. It's best to leave other people out of your confusion. Don’t let your family and friends pressure you to settle.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Sagittarius, prioritize healing the insecurities that have created barriers in your dating life. Be kind to yourself as you cultivate self-love and reconnect to your body and desires. After the full moon in Aries on Oct. 17, you will see the tremendous impact this has had on bringing more pleasure to love and sex.
As you rediscover who you are and enter a new phase, your relationships should evolve with you. The more trust you build with your partner through effective communication, the more magical your relationship will feel toward the end of the year. As Venus connects to abundant Jupiter, energizing your relationships in November, expect an unforgettable holiday season that brings you and your lover closer.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
The most dramatic shifts in your love life will unfold in early spring as Uranus stirs up shockingly positive changes. You may be surprised by who arrives and how refreshing and new dating feels. Pay attention to romantic developments from May 18 to May 23. A small crush or quick fling could develop into a much deeper and longer-term connection takes you by surprise.
This summer, don’t let your fixed ideas limit your expectations around love and dating. Let your partner into your inner world and allow yourself to be sensitive and vulnerable. Stop trying to hold everything together on your own and allow your partner to cater to you.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Get ready to play the field. Jupiter roams through chatty Gemini from May 25 and remains here for the rest of the year, bringing curiosity, experimentation, and lots of laughter to your dating and sex life. Have fun during the process of getting to know new people. Ask lots of questions and explore your romantic interests and sexuality freely.
If you are in a relationship in June, you may realize you aren’t getting what you need to feel deeply fulfilled. Be more intentional when communicating your feelings and needs, and brace yourself for Mars retrograde on Dec. 6. The humbling energy of this backspin urges you to consider if your relationship has become all for show.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Love isn’t a main area of focus for you in 2024, but you will learn not to let the absence of significant developments in your dating and sex life influence your self-esteem. June is the most promising month for dating. Schedule a romantic dinner on June 17, but be careful of sharing intimate experiences with people who aren’t interested in pillow talk.
If you are already dating, irritations could emerge in this summer when Mercury goes retrograde from Aug. 5 to Aug. 28. Consider whether you are attempting to fix or improve your significant other despite their comfort in being who they are. Be kind, not critical, and gently honest if you realize you are actually interested in someone different.