
My Black Moon Lilith Makes Me Want To Have A Feral Fall

According to an astrologer, this part of your birth chart can boost your confidence.

by Carolyn Steber
What to know about Black Moon Lilith in your birth chart.
Laura M/E+/Getty Images

Any astrology fan will know there’s so much more to you than your sun sign. Sure, you might be a Libra or a Leo on the surface, but that’s only the beginning when it comes to knowing yourself. There’s also your moon sign to contend with, your rising sign, and then your Mercury, Venus, Mars — and even something called your Black Moon Lilith.

While your moon sign represents your emotions, and your Venus how you like to love, the Black Moon Lilith (BML) is kind of like the cool girl side of your birth chart. “Black Moon Lilith indicates your personal signature of defiance,” says Chani Nicholas, an astrologer, best-selling author, and founder of the CHANI app, which can reveal your BML. It’s basically how you rebel, stand out, and feel confident.

As a Scorpio sun, I feel very connected to transformation, emotions, and intuition. As a Gemini moon, I’m very curious and communicative. The personality traits and info hidden within my birth chart always seem so spot-on, and my BML is no different.

As I read more about it on CHANI, I suddenly felt like I needed to have more fun, share my opinions, and maybe even run wild and free on a raucous night out — like something akin to a feral girl fall. Keep reading below for more information about your Black Moon Lilith’s significance, this viral astrology app, and what it taught me about myself.

Fast Facts

  • Price: Free to download; $11.99/month for premium
  • Best for: Working with moon cycles, discovering your birth chart, understanding yourself better via Black Moon Lilith
  • My rating: 5/5
  • What I like: Cute app design, easy to use, packed with unique info

What To Know About The CHANI App

CHANI is an astrology app that makes the stars more accessible by breaking down your birth chart, planetary transits, moon cycles, and more. After you put in your birthday, birth location, and birth time, it offers a free natal chart, as well as free daily horoscopes, moon phases and how they impact you, and a snapshot of the planets so you can better understand the current celestial ~vibe~.

If you pay for a premium subscription, you’ll also get birth chart readings and personalized insights, including your planets and the houses they’re in, weekly readings and rituals to try, daily guided meditations — like how to connect with your higher self — as well as journal prompts and other fun astrological tips.

What Is Your Black Moon Lilith?

Unlike your Venus or Mars sign, the Black Moon Lilith doesn’t represent a physical planet but rather a faraway point in the sky named after the mythical figure Lilith. “In astrology, it represents our power, our wildness, the parts of us that have felt exiled, and the parts of ourselves that can be uncomfortable to witness,” says Nicholas.

Lilith is all about embracing your weird girl energy and pushing back against anything that makes you feel alienated or outcasted because of it — and that’s something anyone can embrace. “Even if you consider yourself someone who generally plays by the rules, there’s likely some expectation or status quo that you chafe against,” she says.

To work with your BML, look at where it falls in your birth chart. The symbol for Black Moon Lilith is a crescent moon on top of a cross, and seeing which sign and house it occupies will help you learn more about your rebellious side.

My Black Moon Lilith In Cancer

As a big-time crier, you’ll catch me tearing up over #hopecore TikToks, dog videos, songs with plenty of minor chords — you name it. It’s something I like about myself, but not a side I often show in public, even around friends. Often, it feels like I’m holding back or holding it in, which is why I loved finding out my Black Moon Lilith is in Cancer, aka one of the most emotional water signs. It seemed like a hint from the universe that I need to let it all out sometimes.

Another trait common for this BML is the desire to forgo trends, which feels very fitting as someone who’s much more focused on figuring out who I am, instead of what’s currently cool. “There is much art, beauty, and culture to create at the margins,” Nicholas says. My BML encourages me to amp up that fringe side of myself — and as a result, I should feel more wild and free, just like Lilith.

Working With My BML

While this placement does make me sensitive, it also invites me to use my big feelings as a source of creative energy and power. Instead of feeling embarrassed or hiding it away, I should lean into my big Cancer energy.

One way to embrace my BML is to let my raw emotions flow — perhaps even in front of people. That could mean scream-singing lyrics on a road trip, dancing at a party like no one’s watching, but also journaling, talking to friends, having more heart-to-hearts, and so on.

As a final tip, Nicholas also recommended surrounding myself with people who love and appreciate life’s deep side, too. That way, if I do shed a tear in public it won’t be seen as weird, shameful, or uncomfortable — and that was my favorite takeaway. Three cheers for crying in the club.