Mercury Retrograde Won't Get In The Way Of Cuffing Season For These 6 Signs

Mercury's retrograde isn't exactly the cupid of astrological forces. Most of us have a horror story or two about the way in which Mercury's retrograde ruined a date, complicated a relationship or created a hugely unfortunate miscommunication. So that fact that the start of cuffing season perfectly aligns with the event might seem like a bad omen. That said, the negative ways in which this event can affect us are not felt equally by all signs. Curious how your sign will react? The zodiac signs likely to benefit Mercury retrograde falling during cuffing season are more empowered by this period than other signs. For these signs, Mercury's backward motion creates just enough of a stir to increase the romantic excitement in the air and the potential for powerful partnerships.
As the temperatures drop and our activity level plummets, many of us will be on the hunt for a great couch buddy. If your sign is motivated by Mercury's retrograde, you're in luck, this chilly cuffing season is going to be hotter than ever. The signs that are negatively affected by Mercury's retrograde will just have to wait until November 20 to find better luck partnering up — which luckily isn't too far off anymore. Bustle talked to astrologer Kyle Thomas about which signs shouldn't wait to date and these are the signs he predicts to have the best luck finding someone to spoon during Mercury's retrograde and beyond:
1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)
"With Mercury retrograde spinning backwards in your sector of intimacy, you’ll have a lot of time to re-evaluate what you give and take in your relationships," Thomas tells Bustle. "Sharing is highlighted at this time, so you’re able to really figure out your equilibrium," Thomas says. This could mean that you and your partner find a better balance during this time and find that it becomes easier to share space and time without issues.
2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
According to Thomas, "important partnerships are especially highlighted this Mercury retrograde and that means you’re one of the most likely to be focusing on the 'cuffing' this season." So, if you're in a relationship that isn't working, that's going to become abundantly clear and you'll be ready to move on. If that feels natural to you, go with it. And if you're in a relationship that's really working for you, Thomas tells Bustle that Taurus is going to have no problem moving things forward, despite all that backward energy.
3. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
"Mercury Retrograde is causing a bit of a thunderstorm in your love life, but this is ultimately helping you move toward your best romantic future later on down the road," Thomas says. If you find yourself feeling emotional, this is a good time to be honest with yourself and your partner. Thomas encourages Cancer to be extra expressive during this time as they are most likely to find eloquence and be understood.
4. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
According to Thomas, you’re likely reassessing "your needs and your non-negotiables at this time," and that spills over into relationships. "You're reflecting on how past relationships didn’t flourish as you’d expected and how you can help your current or future ones bloom." Use this information to communicate effectively with your partner, as expressing your needs is the key to having them met.
5. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
"Mercury Retrograde is shaking it up in your social sector but there’s also a lot of focus on your romantic life," Thomas says, so get ready to cuff! "You’re seeing things a bit differently these days and you could be either craving to spice it up or noticing interference from your friends," Thomas explains. Some Capricorns might be considering getting back together with an ex at this point in time, Thomas says, which actually might work out. So long as you're both on the same page about going forward and leaving the past where it is, this could be the reconciliation you've been hoping for.
6. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Aquarius might not have romantic energy in their corner during this time, but according to Thomas, they will be "cuffed" in other ways. "Mercury Retrograde is spinning backwards in your career sector, but this could also mean that you’re causing a lot of chatter with powerful people at this time," Thomas says. "If you are rubbing elbows with someone with success that you want at your side, consider ways to cuff them closer to you," Thomas suggests, as this is in your favor. "The way to do this though is strategy and your words, not through seduction of the heart, though." Aka, this is a professional cuff, not a romantic cuff.
Whether Mercury's retrograde brings you back to an ex with a chance for a fresh start, or barreling forward into a new relationship, this shift in energy is bound to bring you towards just the partner you need during this time. So embrace what the universe brings you, and embrace your cuffing partner, because it's cold out there.
This article was originally published on