
Meredith Foster Is Raising Money For Special Olympians

by Shea Simmons

There's no big secret surrounding the fact that YouTube stars yield some serious influencing power. After all, they are often called influencers. Now, YouTuber Meredith Foster is raising money for the Special Olympics and its athletes and harnessing her seriously strong social media power for good. Foster has teamed up with Go Fund Me and the Special Olympics to raise money for the incredible athletes heading to the 2017 Special Olympics World Winter Games in Austria. Foster is clearly passionate about helping athletes achieve their dream of attending the games, and she wants her subscribers help doing to make sure those dreams come true.

Foster's YouTube channel has over four million followers, and with a social media following like that, raising money for a great cause makes total sense. In fact, Foster seems to be aware of just how powerful that following can be explaining in a video over at the Go for Gold! Go Fund Me account that if each of her followers donated even $1, the difference for these athletes would be huge, and she's correct.

According to the Go Fund Me, the average cost of sending a Special Olympics athlete to the games is $2,500, a sum many families just can't afford. That's where Foster comes in.

The proceeds from the Go Fund Me will help meet the needs of the athletes, and don't worry about families needing additional assistance because the money will cover everything these athletes need from accommodations to uniforms to transportation.

The project launched only a few short days ago and has already raised $2,880. With a goal of $25,000, there's still a ways to go, but thankfully, there's still time for fans of Foster's and supporters of the Special Olympics to donate to help the athletes.

If you want a chance to help these incredible men and women reach their dreams, head over to Foster's Go Fund Me page and donate. Any amount clearly helps, and hey, who doesn't love a great cause?