What Your Sex Life Will Look Like In 2022, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
It's time to start the next year with a bang.

Say adieu to 2021, and hello to 2022. Now that we've made it through the year, it's time to start the next one with a bang — literally. In other words, it's time to check out our sex life horoscope for 2022 because, astrologically, there's a lot going on this upcoming year, and for many signs, the forecast is looking steamy.
If this year was a lackluster one for your sex life, that’s all about to change. According to astrologer Clarisse Monahan, each sign has something to look forward to in 2022. “Though it’s still challenging for the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius), the general energy of the year will be more flowing and full of life than in 2021,” Monahan says. “This is due to the fact we have more mutable planets in the sky, helping to free up some of the restrictions we saw so prevalent in 2021.”
Fortunately Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion is moving into Pisces, a sign that it rules. Since Jupiter is returning to its home sign, it’s going to feel extremely comfortable. “Jupiter in Pisces is juicy and abundant energy for all,” Monahan says. “People will be more open to connecting and exploring the more sensual side of life.”
If you’re an Air sign, March 6 is going to be an especially good day for your sex life as Venus is conjunct to Mars in the sign of Aquarius.
For Water signs, April 12 is going to be a dreamy day for you since Jupiter and Neptune will both be in Pisces at the same place at the same time.
If you’re a Fire sign, May 29 is a lucky day for you sex life as Mars will be meeting Jupiter in Aries. According to Monahan, “Jupiter and Mars together is an insatiable energy.”
Finally, Earth signs will be having a hot summer in 2022. “The Summer Solstice looks steamy with Venus in her sign of rulership and making a harmonious trine to intense Pluto,” Monahan says. “Venus-Pluto energy is all about the ultimate release on a physical and emotional level.”
This year, each zodiac sign will get their fair share of excitement in the sex and intimacy department. So here's what you can expect in your sex life in 2022, based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Rams, you’ll experience a big boost of luck and energy from May until October. Jupiter will be moving briefly into your sign, and that aspect favors risk taking. “Go after what you want,” Monahan says. “The Gods will be on your side.” Your ruler Mars goes retrograde in airy Gemini in October, which may mean you’ll be feeling a little off during that time. You may have felt a similar energy in 2020, as that was the last time Mars went retrograde. Fortunately, it won’t be as severe as that one. The plus side is, the first nine months of 2022 are going to be smooth sailing for your sex life.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
For bulls, you’ll start the year with Venus, your ruling planet, moving backwards in the sky. So, this won’t be the best time to look for new sexual partners. However, it is a good time to think about what you really want your love and sex life to look like in the coming year. “Venus is very close to Pluto in the sky for the first few months of the year, offering answers to deeper questions around sexuality right now,” Monahan says. “Time to dig deep into your unconscious desires.”
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
The first half of the year may start off a little slow for you, Gemini. However, June 22 marks the beginning of a three week period where Venus is in your sign. This energy will make sex, desire, and love a big focus for you. Mars, the planet that rules over passion and sex, will go retrograde in your sign in October. According to Monahan, this will be a good opportunity for you to delve deep into your sexual desires and schedule time for some self-play and exploration.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
The new year will bring some good energy for you in regards to sex, Cancer. However, you may be too caught up with your own personal development as Jupiter will be activating your house of higher learning. Even though you’ll be much more focused on yourself, that doesn’t mean that your sex life will be boring. According to Monahan, July and August look particularly saucy for you, with August 7 being an extra lucky day. “Venus will be transiting in your sign and making a smoochy kiss to Neptune, making this a dreamy day of fantasy,” she says.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Spring is going to be your season, Leo. March 6 marks the start of a six-week transit of Mars heating up your relationship sector, and Venus will also be making her appearance for a few weeks as well. “Mars meeting Venus in the sky is known as the ‘ardent lover’ placement, so prepare for high-peak sex drive,” Monahan says. If you find yourself feeling extra frisky at that time, you’ll know why.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
For earthy Virgo, your sex life will get a wake-up call starting on the first of January and will continue until May. According to Monahan, bountiful Jupiter will be activating your zone of relationships during that time. “Jupiter is all about expansion, fun, and bigger energy, so where do you want to expand your sex life to?” she says. “Set some lofty goals; you can achieve them.”
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Mars and your ruling planet Venus will be entering your “sex zone” on March 6. “Venus is said to ‘have her joy’ in this house, meaning much fun and merriment for you,” Monahan says. “With Mars co-present, the focus will be doubly on sexual matters.” Venus will be hanging around all March long, so expect that month to be really exciting for your sex life.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
For Scorpio, passionate Mars enters your opposite sign Taurus and your relationship sector on July 5. If you’re in a relationship, expect to have a lot of sex during that time. If you’re single and looking, Mars will also provide you with “gusto to woo and charm” new potential partners. According to Monahan, Jupiter will also be transiting your house of sex from January to May, and then again in October to December. Overall, 2022 is going to be a good year for you.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Archers, you’ll start 2022 off strong with Mars in your sign, activating your passion and libido. “Up until Jan. 24, you’ll be raring to go,” Monahan says. Enjoy this energy while it lasts. Mars will go retrograde in October, and it will be happening in your relationship zone, no less. Your sex life may take a back seat to other priorities during that time.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Lusty Mars moves into your sign on Jan. 24 and will amp up your sex life for six weeks. According to Monahan, “Mars is said to be exalted in Capricorn, meaning it is extremely well placed here and working at optimal level. This is a time when you are naturally in sync with the earthier drives and primal instincts.” Chances are, you’ll be blessed with some really good sex during the worst part of winter.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
For Aquarius, Saturn, the planet of restrictions, will be in your sign all year which can put a damper on any fun-related activities. However, there is one date to look out for. On March 6, Mars will be meeting Venus in the sky in your sign and at zero degrees. According Monahan, “Zero degree is a special degree in astrology, meaning there is an extra potent charge to it. Any new desires birthed around this time have a really good chance of working out.”
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Lucky Pisces will have a great year in 2022. According to Monahan, you’ll have the Great Benefic, Jupiter, in your sign for most of the year. It’ll be co-present with Neptune, your other ruling planet, so the sky’s the limit for you. “Indulge your wildest dreams,” she says. “April 12 is the day they meet at the same exact point in the sky. Take a day off from work. It's far better as a day for lotus-eating and spending in dreamy bliss with your significant other.”
Clarisse Monahan, astrologer
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