Here's How Your Love Life Will Change In 2020, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

It's time to welcome in all the possibilities for the new year ahead. Regardless of what 2019 brought you, there's something for each zodiac sign to look forward to in 2020. Whether you're single and looking, or wondering if your relationship is going to last, your love life horoscope for 2020 can give you a little bit of insight into what to expect for the new year.
"The astrology for 2020 can seem a little intimidating with heavy Saturnian influences and lots of longer-term changes being initiated," Raquel Reyes, an LA-based astrologer, tells Bustle. "But if we can empathize with ourselves and appreciate the fact that change tends to lead us to personal growth, we’ll find lots of Cosmic enjoyment."
The most important thing to remember with astrology is that nothing is set in stone. According to Reyes, astrology is meant to be a "guiding light." Your free will determines the journey you end up taking.
So if you're in a relationship and you know that the month of November may bring some challenges, you can decide to be more mindful when you're in disagreements with your partner or you can choose not to. The same goes if you're single. If you know that March is good time for you to get out there and meet new people, it may be a good time for you to update your dating profile.
"As we embark upon 2020 and make peace with our process, how will you utilize your free-will?" Reyes says. So here's what you can expect for your love life in 2020, according to astrologers.
1Aries (March 21 - April 19)
From February 7 to early March, Venus will be traveling through your first house, making you look and feel good. As Leslie Hale, an astrologer for, tells Bustle, "This is the time you can come across as your most attractive to others."
Your ruling planet, Mars, will be in your sign from June 29 to Jan. 6, 2021, so this will be a busy time for you. A short Mars retrograde between Sept. 9 to Nov. 13 could change this. But expect to expand your social network from June to January 2021. If you're open to it, you could even meet a special someone. If you're single, the best time to meet someone new is mid-August to September as the August new moon and Venus in your fifth house of love will be working for you.
If you're an Aries born between April 9 to 18, relationships could be a source of trouble as a result of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn being in a harsh square to your Sun. "If you decide to end a relationship, make sure this is what you want for the long-term," Hale says. "If your relationship survives this year, it will become stronger."
2Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
If you were born between April 22-30, Uranus on your Sun could bring someone new and exciting into your life. However, there's no guarantee that it'll be permanent as Uranus can be a bit of a wild card. "Sometimes this can do with a sudden change of lifestyle and you could feel like you want to take a chance on someone totally different," Hale says. Just know that change is in the air and you may be open to people beyond your usual type. If you're in a relationship and were born between May 11-20, you can expect to exprience more stability with your partner. If you're single, there's a chance for you to reconnect with someone from the past.
One month that's going to give you a lot of good luck in love is March as Venus will be in Taurus. It's going to make you look and feel good, and could even push you to get out there and be more social. "With Mars in Capricorn, another earth sign, this is a good combination for romance," Hale says. The full moon on March 9 also falls in your fifth house of love and romance, so you could see sparks fly.
3Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
This may not be the most significant year for love, but there are things you can still look forward to. According to Hale, Jupiter will be in your house of intimate matters and sex, so your relationship could get a boost. If you're single, you could meet someone that you're really attracted to, but permanency is not guaranteed. April could be a significant month for you as Venus transits through your sign. This energy can make you feel magnetic and will in turn, naturally draw people towards you. "The full moon in Libra on April 8, falls in your fifth house of love, so make the most of it," Hale says. Venus retrogrades in 2020, and Venus will be in Gemini until August 6, so this can really give you a boost in the love department. From May 13 to June 25, relationships could change or end. You could even reconnect with an ex or a former fling. Either way, after Venus turns direct on June 25, it will give you another positive boost through early August.
4Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Out of all the signs in the zodiac, you're more likely to end up in a committed relationship in 2020 or end a long-term relationship that's no longer doing it for you. "Jupiter, the planet of gain and expansion travels through your seventh house of partnerships and marriage until Dec. 19, giving you potential for a long-term relationship in 2020," Hale says. Another set of eclipses will fall in your partnership houses on June 21, and July 5, so Cancer will be focused on partnerships throughout the year, one way or another. Venus moves through your sign from Aug. 8 to Sept. 6, making you more social and magnetic. On Sept. 2, a Pisces moon falls in your fifth house of love, amping up your chances of meeting someone special.
5Leo (July 23 - August 22)
This year is all about the unexpected. For Leos born July 25 to Aug. 3, existing or new relationships will be put to the test as Uranus, the planet of unexpected events will square your Sun. "This could create friction in a relationship or end one unexpectedly," Hale says. "Alternatively, it could bring in someone new. But new relationships that begin on a Uranus transit can end as suddenly as they begin, and will have to withstand the test of time."
Venus will transit through your sign making you more magnetic to others from Sept. 7 to Oct. 2. Mars will be in Aries at this time, which can bring good things for you. But it turns retrograde from Sept. 9 to Nov. 14, which can cause relationships to shift or change. According to Hale, new relationships that begin on a Mars retrograde may be lacking in some way or won't progress the way you want them to.
6Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
"Virgo has a fabulous opportunity concerning matters of the heart in 2020 as Saturn, Pluto and Capricorn, are all moving through your fifth house of love and romance," Hale says. "You should have complete clarity in terms of what you want."
On March 9, a powerful full moon in Virgo will also bring you new opportunities to meet someone, or take a current relationship to the next level.
That's not all to look forward to. Jupiter, the planet of gain and expansion, will be in an easy trine to your Sun. This can bring in an exciting new relationship for you this year. According to Hale, this only happens once every 12 years, so be sure to take advantage of this. Saturn is also going to be in a positive trine to your Sun, so any relationship you begin should have stability. Pluto will trine your Sun and can also bring new and powerful changes to your love life. "You should come into your own this year in love and other matters," Hale says. "You could also consider starting a family if this is what you want."
7Libra (September 23 - October 22)
For Libra, 2020 might not be the best year for you in terms of love. But there are will be some opportunities to meet someone new or make changes to your current relationship status. For instance, Mars moves through your fifth house of love from March 31 to May 12, and will create opportunities for socializing and meeting someone new. When Mars goes retrograde from early September to mid-November, it can create friction with your partner or any new relationship that begins that this time. When Saturn and Pluto square your Sun, relationship problems can pop up or you may choose to end a relationship altogether. The good news, Hale says 2021 will be a far more fortunate year for you in terms of matters of the heart.
8Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
If you were born between Oct. 26 and Nov. 3, you'll have Uranus opposing your Sun in your partnership sectors this upcoming year. Uranus is all about unexpected and sudden change. "This could shake up your relationship if you are in one, and it can even lead to divorce or separation," Hale says. If you're single and you happen to meet someone new in 2020, just expect to go slow. You may not get the commitment you want until the next year.
However, if you're a Scorpio born between Nov. 12 to 21, you have a better chance of having a solid relationship in 2020. Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter will form a positive sextile to your Sun, so you should have more clarity and stability in the new year when it comes to love and relationships.
Scorpios born between Nov. 8 to 12 will have the most luck in terms of love next year. Neptune will be in your fifth house of love and can bring you an ideal partner.
For anyone looking for love, late November to mid-December is a good time to do so. "Venus is in your sign, which will make you look and feel your best and in the mood for romance and excitement," Hale says. This will be a good time to meet someone new or move forward in an existing relationship.
9Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Love will be a focus for you all throughout 2020. According to Hale, Mars moves through your fifth house of love for an extended time from July 1 to Jan. 6, 2021, increasing your chances of finding love and keeping your focus on friends, entertainment, and children. During the Mars retrograde from Sept. 9 to Nov. 14, relationships could experience some turbulence, but if the relationship is still solid when Mars turns direct it should be smooth sailing from there on out. From February 8 to March 5, Venus moves through your fifth house of love, which will again increase your opportunities for romance and harmony. Then a full moon on Feb. 9 falls in your house of hopes and wishes. "This can be a very exciting time for Sagittarius, so make the most of it," Hale says.
10Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
You'll have Jupiter in your sign during 2020, so this should put you in an optimistic frame of mind throughout the year. According to Hale, relationships will be a focus this year for Capricorn because like Cancer, the four eclipses that occur between Dec. 26, 2019 and August 2020 fall in the relationship sectors of your chart. March also brings good potential for you as Venus travels through your fifth house of love. So it's another good time for you to meet someone new or a current relationship can undergo a period of more romance and fun.
11Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Matters of the heart will be "mixed" for Aquarius in 2020, Hale says. During the first half of January, Venus moves through your sign. You may experience a good period for love where you're attracting new people or spicing up an existing one. On April 5, Venus will enter your fifth house of love and will stay there until early August.
But watch out when Venus goes retrograde from May 13 to June 25. If your relationship isn't solid, it could end suddenly. But if your relationship is worthwhile, this period will bring some challenges that will help you grow closer together. According to Hale, some people may hear from exes during this retrograde. "Either way, it's considered a very karmic cycle in terms of your love life," she says.
12Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
The new year should be very romantic for you as Neptune will be in your sign. According to Hale, you may find new love or take your current one to the next level when the lunar eclipse falls into your fifth house of love on January 10. It will then be followed by a solar eclipse on June 21. "Eclipses point the way to what we will be focused on during the year," Hale says. Since it's in your fifth house, you could be focused on not only love, but friendships and children.
On August 8, Venus will enter your sector of love along with a new moon in the same placement on August 20. This is an opportune time for love. With Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto in an easy sextile to your Sun, from your house of hopes and wishes, you should have the clarity you need to make important decisions.
When it comes to love, the new year is going to be lucky for some signs, and a little tricky for others. Regardless, if you know what to look out for, you can make choices that will benefit your love life in 2020.