This 'Younger' Star Wrote A Book Of Poems & Everyone Is Freaking Out About It

If you thought Younger's Nico Tortorella was exactly like his character, the suave tattoo artist Josh, you are definitely mistaken. Tortorella is way more complex than that. He's an actor who perfectly fits the bill of rom-com heartthrob, playing one part of a love triangle that has taken TV by storm for the past three years, with fans always desperate to come back for more. But beyond his on-screen endeavors, Tortorella also hosts the podcast The Love Bomb, which dives into, you guessed it, love. In it he goes into the concept of love and its many labels through conversations with individuals about what love means to them. As if that wasn't interesting enough, Tortorella has actually been super open about his personal interest in human sexuality and his own fluidity therein; he recently married Bethany Meyers in a queer polyamorous wedding in which they both wore a high-fashion pant-gown combo and killer crowns. If you needed any further undeniable evidence of Tortorella's difference from his on-screen character, you've got it in the form of his unexpected new book of poetry, All Of It Is You, on shelves now.
In the book, excerpts of which were published today by Vulture, Tortorella expands further on his exploration of love and sex.
All Of It Is You by Nico Tortorella, $16, Amazon
The poems dive into the nitty gritty of his thoughts on subjects including, but not limited to, his own penis, the concept of menstruation, and vaginas, oh my! And Tortorella does not shy away from anything. In his poem accurately titled "penis" for example, he writes openly about circumcision:
cauterized at birth
an ancient convenant fulfilled,
but still, i wish
you were uncut, natural, organic, hooded
Yeah, Tortorella really goes there. And if you're a Younger fan who is, let's say... surprised... by the contents of All Of It Is You, you're definitely not alone. Tons of people have taken to Twitter to express their shock at the book's unexpected subject matter, along with their peaked interest in checking it out. Check out some of the Twitter responses below:
And sure, this might not be a poetry collection that you'll be gifting to your Yates-loving grandmother anytime soon — and I'm not saying you won't think about it at least a little bit when your snuggling up on the couch to watch the next season of Younger — but there is something so cool about a heartthrob status actor who isn't afraid to try something a little bit out of the ordinary. And being open about and exploring your sexuality? That's something we will always get behind.