If you love to watch porn and want to take things to the next level, then adult entertainment site Pornhub has a big announcement for you. You may have heard of the amazing technology of teledidonics before, and it's basically, it's just a fancy word for what is essentially robot sex toys — or immersive technologies. Pornhub will soon be offering videos that will be synced to virtual reality and teledildonic technology, meaning that what happens on the screen will be mimicked by the sex to you're using to masturbate. The video and your toy will be working in sync, so you really can feel like you're a part of the video.
It's an exciting new offering — and you may not realize just how smooth the integration is. "The interconnectedness teledildonics provide will surprise people the most," Corey Price, Pornhub VP, tells Bustle. "Considering the popularity of our VR category, which we launched to immense success last year and currently receives one million plus views each day, it’s quite apparent that fans are constantly looking to immerse themselves in the content they are watching. They want to feel as though they are actually there, engaging with the actors as though it were real-life. Our interactive category goes a long way towards providing them with a complete virtual experience."
It sounds like sensory overload, but in the best way possible. A porn experience for your brain and your body.
Now, unfortunately it will only be men's toys that will work to start— Fleshlight Launch and Kiiroo Onyx. But soon Pornhub will be offering videos that work with sex toys that perfect for anyone with a vagina— and some of the biggest names are included, like OhMiBod, We-Vibe, Lovense Lush and Kiiroo Pearl. Sounds pretty great, right?
Although porn isn't for everyone, it's easy to see the advantage of videos that stimulate you visually and genitally — and having those experiences be linked. It's the future of porn and masturbation— and it's arriving sooner than you think. If you're interested in seeing what videos they have on offer and learning how to sync your sex toys, then you should check out the interactive area of their site.
Hopefully the more female-friendly sex toys will be linked up soon, because women love porn just as much as anyone else. And for anyone interested in new technologies, then a whole new world of porn awaits.