Here's How You Can Go On Jorge's 'BiP' Tour

Now that Jorge the Bartender has been replaced by Wells Adams on Bachelor in Paradise, fans are starting to miss his presence on the show. But fortunately, he's not gone from the beach for good; he's just swapped jobs, because he's Jorge and of course he got promoted. And now, there's good news: You can go on Jorge's tour from Bachelor in Paradise — and you don't even need to be on the show.
In fact, all you need to do is go to Nayarit, Mexico, where BiP is filmed every summer. There, Jorge is working with a tour company called Nayarit Uncovered, and from the looks of his Instagram, it seems like he's having a blast. Right now, it looks like their official website is down, but on the company's Facebook, there's an email address and a phone number listed, so if you're planning a trip to Mexico, booking a trip should be pretty easy.
It's unclear so far whether or not Jorge will be mixing drinks for his customers, but he totally should, just to add to the BiP authenticity.
Of course, the tour Diggy and Lacey got probably isn't like what customers who aren't also cast members get, but it still seemed really fun... even if Jorge did bring them to sip champagne at the place where he was conceived and tried to crash their date.
It's good to see that Jorge's new gig doesn't mean he'll be gone from the show for good, because with how heavy this season has been so far, he's like a perfect ray of sunshine, right when you need it most. Never change, Jorge. And don't let Chris Harrison make you feel like you need to call your company Jorge's Tourges.