For anyone out there who has also uttered the phrase "rosé all day" like the unrepentant basic human you are, it's time to put your money where your mouth is — specifically, on this new bottle of rose you can buy in a forty. Over are the days when rosé was considered a casual patio drink, more for your Instagram aesthetic than for your palate. What was once an art form is about to be a sport, ushering in a summer unlike any you experienced in rosé-drinking days gone by.
Forty Ounce Wines, the same company that brought us "Forty Ounce Muscadet" last summer (aka the Summer of Pokémon Go, back when we all had hopes and dreams), added rosé to its lineup just in time to get your summertime freak on. Fair warning, though: This might turn into a veritable Instagram Hunger Games, because as it turns out, there are only 1,200 cases in existence — and they're only available in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, California, and Colorado. I personally feel as though I have trained my entire life in preparation for this moment, and I will see you all in the line at the wine store, FOOLISH MORTALS.
Yes, this is cheeky in that classless way our generation so loves to be, but it's also hella economical. Running at $16 a bottle, according to Cosmopolitan, these are a steal compared to a normal 25.4 ounce bottle of rosé, which typically costs the equivalent. Think of all the money you'll have leftover to BUY MORE ROSÉ!
This latest rosé innovation comes on the heels of last summer's frosé, a drink offered at Bar Primi in New York that basically incapacitated us with its beauty. Part frozen drink, part rosé, all glorious 'grammable debauchery.
And of course, who could forget the rosé gummy bears of last June? Truly, I could not be prouder of humanity in its quest to make rosé consumable in every form, be it liquid, solid, or gas (2018 idea, perhaps?).
For a lucky few people living in areas of New York where the rosé forty happens to be sold, you can get the sauce delivered straight to your door with Drizly, an alcohol delivery service; the rest of us, it seems, will have to be ever on the alert, poking in and out of local wine stores to see if they're carrying it. But I suppose that is the true magic of this — you don't choose the rosé forty, my friends. The rosé forty chooses you.