These #WontBeErased Protest Photos Show The Trans Community Can't Just Be Written Off

In a move that may further endanger the lives of transgender individuals, The New York Times reported on Sunday that the Trump administration is considering defining gender as strictly biological. The report, based on a memo reviewed by The Times, elicited mass protest and concern. On Monday, photos of #Won'tBeErased protests showed transgender activists and their allies in front of the White House, demanding that their opposition be heard.
According to The New York Times, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has proposed defining gender based on a person's genitalia at birth. According to the memo The Times reviewed, the HHS has considered giving a narrow legal definition of "sex" to the Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. Under Title IX, educational initiatives and programs that receive federal funding are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of sex.
Under the current administration's proposal, a person's sex would be defined "on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable." Critics have expressed concern that this definition would infringe on the protections granted to transgender people. Moreover, such a definition, The Times noted, would "essentially eradicate federal recognition" of America's transgender community — a population that The Williams Institute reported in 2016 consists of 1.4 million adults.
After the report was published on Sunday, transgender individuals and their supporters made themselves clear while protesting in front of the White House on Monday. Transgender activists, allies, and rights group rallied online under the hashtags, #WontBeErased, and it variation, #WeWontBeErased. Outside the White House, many carried signs that declared, "We will not be erased," "Trans equality now," and much more.
1"I Won't Be Erased"
One protester tweeted, "I won't be erased. I won't let any of my trans siblings be erased either."
2"Don't Pick Fights You Can't Win"
Charlotte Clymer, who works for The Human Rights Campaign, tweeted at Trump in her photo of the protest. "Don't pick fights you can't win. We are not going away. We will not be erased. And we will not surrender to your cowardice and cynicism," she wrote. "November is coming."
3Facing The White House
Planned Parenthood Action tweeted this image on Monday morning where several transgender flags could be seen in the air, facing the White House.
4Refusing To Give Up
In a separate video uploaded by The National Center for Transgender Equality, organizers said, "We're here. We're loud. We're not going anywhere."
5Kids, Too, Could Be Harmed
According to Washington Post's Marissa J. Lang, activists carried the names of over 700 transgender children who they said would be harmed by the Trump administration's reported gender definition proposal.
6"Protect Trans Kids"
Some Twitter users used the hashtag #TransRightsAreHumanRights on the day of the protest.
7A Variety Of Protest Signs
One protester held a sign that read: "We are all created in God's image."
8Allies In Line, Too
This protester's sign said, "Another Jew for trans equality."
9Protesters Say All Bodies Are Valid
In one of the signs held up on Monday morning, the line read: "No body is illegal."
10A Panorama Shot
One Twitter user uploaded a panorama shot of the #WontBeErased protest.
11Crowds Gathered
It seems as if hundreds of people gathered on Monday for the protest.
13Names Of Transgender Individuals
One protester's sign said, "Trans people will not be a distraction for fear-mongering, weak politicians. Dump the Trump party on Election Day. Vote!"
14Marching Away
Protesters carried the names of transgender people while marching in front of the White House.
15Selfies At The Protest
While many carried their signs forward, some protesters paused for a selfie.
Based on the photos from the Monday protest, it's clear that many Americans are prepared to keep fighting for their rights — even if it means taking the administration on.