'Pretty Little Liars' Season 7 May Not Be The End

It's wildly popular, and it's managed to keep us in its thrall since 2010 — so, will Pretty Little Liars return for Season 8? The Season 7 finale is, by all intents and purposes, the series' final episode ever — but is there any wiggle room? After all, if there's one thing we all know about Pretty Little Liars, it's that they love bringing back the dead — so why shouldn't that hold true for the show itself?
Unfortunately, as of the writing of this article, there are no official plans for an eighth season — so this really might be the very last we'll be seeing of the fictional East Coast town of Rosewood. I mean, it might not have to be the very last — after all, if you're really jonesing for a trip back, you can always download the Pretty Little Liars story app.
Apps aside, it's hard to believe that the show is really, truly going off the air — especially since showrunner I. Marlene King is known for playing her cards notoriously close to her chest. She's faked us out many-a-time, so you can't blame viewers for not wanting to believe that this is actually the end — even though it might very well be.
Suffice it to say, an eighth season of PLL looks like an impossibility at this point... though that's not to say a spin-off and/or reboot is completely out of the question. After Season 7A wrapped up at the end of last summer, there was definitely some talk of returning to Rosewood with a new cast of characters. King herself rather tellingly said in an interview following the summer finale, "Although we may be saying goodbye to our current group of PLLs … the town of Rosewood is its own character." Since she said this when talking of Addison, a much-buzzed about new addition the cast at the time, this added plenty of fuel to the reboot fires. After all, Addison Derringer seemed in many ways to be a conniving Alison DiLaurentis version 2.0, leading fans to think she could be at the center of a Pretty Little Liars spinoff.
That said, Addison has (seemingly) come and gone for the show, with nary a whisper of a return — so chances are, we should take her brief appearance on the show in stride. Don't lose hope, though — King has also said that the show might have a revival someday, a la other cult classic shows, like Gilmore Girls and The X-Files. In a Television Critics Association panel reported on by Entertainment Weekly, she explained:
There are so many ways to revisit characters and worlds ... It wasn’t easy to say goodbye to this group of people but I kept saying, ‘We’ll find a way to bring these characters and this world back at some point in time.’ I don’t think it’ll be in two years, but at some point in time.
What do you think? A reboot of the show with new characters could be interesting, as could a revival. And just putting it out there, but... who out there wouldn't love to see a Mona Vanderwaal spinoff? Come on, IMK: Make it happen.