New Girl might be coming to a close this week, but fans still think there might be ways for some characters' stories to continue. So will New Girl have a spinoff? Right now that seems to be a bit of a pipe dream, at least in the near future, but that doesn't mean it'll never happen.
The wheels are already turning with New Girl's showrunners in terms of how the show might go on. "For seven years, we’ve talked about Schmidt Happens, so of course there is that show,” writer and producer Brett Baer told The Wrap, referring to a show that would center around Schmidt — one that I absolutely need to see. "Then there of course is the Winston one-hour long cop drama with Aly as his partner and wife. But you know, you play that real serious and you have actual, really gritty crimes," he joked.
Of course, these were all suggested in jest. Baer did say, though, that the fact that none of these characters went off before the end of the original show to helm their own project is a testament to how well they work as an ensemble. "All these people are so gifted and all these pairings are so great, you know, I think any one of them could have had a spinoff or could have a spinoff,” he said in the same interview. "And I think that there was something kind of beautiful about everybody at the end of this process looking at each other and saying, 'I think we did it.'"
Fans themselves have already cultivated a wealth of ideas, as well. Reddit user ekouza brought up the idea of a spinoff focusing on the lives of the younger versions of Nick, Cece, Jess, Schmidt and Winston. "Some of my favorite moments of the show have definitely been scenes, which while short and sort of throwaway, remain memorable regardless," the user wrote. "Jess rallying her classmates together to vote with their mouths despite being in elementary school, episodes that display a young version of the cast in general."
This would be one heck of a longshot, as the user acknowledges, probably because it'd be difficult to tie these stories together as the gang didn't exist as a gang when they were kids, but it's still definitely an idea. Even years ago, people were floating the idea of New Girl spinoffs — including one, suggested by Chriswick4, which would feature Nick and Schmidt's college years. But that would require the continued talents of Jake Johnson and Max Greenfield, and that seems to be the main issue with the idea of a spinoff, at least right now.
The fact that any of these stars could shoulder a spinoff on their own means that there's endless potential for them to try out new projects. Johnson's already promoting a new movie, Tag, and has appeared in huge movies like Jurassic World. Greenfield had a stint on American Horror Story and wowed in Hello, My Name Is Doris. Hannah Simone has wrapped up production on The Greatest American Hero, and Lamorne Morris appeared in the blockbuster comedy Game Night. Plus, Zooey Deschanel had a long film career even before New Girl came along, starring in (500) Days Of Summer, Elf and Yes Man.
This is all to say, maybe it's time to say goodbye to the cast for a little while — they've been making us laugh on the same show since 2011, and it's clear that they all have plenty more to offer. There's always the possibility of a spinoff in a few years, or perhaps just a reunion special to check in on the lives of the former loft-dwellers. For right now, it seems like everyone is focusing less on stretching New Girl's run and more on saying a goodbye worthy of these awesome actors.