Why It's Still Possible That Jaime Will Kill Cersei On 'Game Of Thrones'

The Night King and his army may have been defeated (thanks to Arya), but the war for the Iron Throne has only just begun. Daenerys is more determined than ever to oust Cersei from her place of power in King's Landing. That right away puts an automatic target on Cersei's head. But if the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms is going to die, would it really be Dany would does the deed? Many believe that Jaime will kill Cersei on Game of Thrones due to a prophecy that was foretold many years ago during Cersei's youth.
It's important to note that the show has chosen not to cover this aspect of George R.R. Martin's novels, so it's possible this won't end up factoring into the story at all. But just in case the series decides to incorporate it at the last minute, it's definitely worth discussing. In Season 6, viewers were shown a rare flashback to Cersei's childhood when she paid a visit to a local witch, Maggy the Frog, and demanded to be told her future.
The witch revealed a prophecy to Cersei, stating that she would have three children, though none of them would be with her husband, the King, and that the children would die long before their time: "Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds," Maggy told her.
However, unlike the show, the prophecy in the books didn't just end there. Maggy went on to describe how Cersei herself would ultimately die:
"And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you."
The word "valonqar" is High Valyrian for "little brother," which could mean Tyrion, who is younger than his two siblings. But it could also mean Jaime, who was born a few minutes after Cersei, which technically makes him her little brother as well. Granted, not all prophecies come to pass, so it's important to take this with a grain of salt. Plus the fact that the series didn't include that aspect of the prophecy could indicate that the story will end up going in a different direction entirely.
But even if you take the prophecy out of the equation, there's still a solid chance that Jaime would be the one to take Cersei down for good. For starters, he's one of the few people who would be able to get closer enough to her to do it. She may no longer be the woman he fell in love with, but there's a part of her that still loves her brother, even if she did order Bronn to kill him and Tyrion. He could arrive at her door under the false pretense of making amends only to end her life moments later, with no Mountain there to protect her.
Jaime is a better man than he used to be and doesn't agree with the way Cersei is choosing to use her power as a ruler. It would break his heart to kill her, but if it meant saving the future of Westeros there may be no other choice. So will Jaime add Queenslayer to his resume? We'll just have to wait and see how these final three episodes play out.