After weeks of “will-they-or-won’t-they,” they did, finally. The “they” in question, by the way, are Eliza Minnick and Arizona Robbins on Grey’s Anatomy. Ever since Minnick showed up at the hospital, she’s had her sights set on Arizona, only Arizona wasn’t to keen on Minnick’s mission or her methods. I guess things changes, since these two shared a sweet smooch. Will Arizona and Minnick start dating on Grey’s Anatomy?
I’m all for Arizona getting a new love interest after Callie got up and moved to New York last year (though it seems like only yesterday), but Minnick is definitely the past of most resistance when it comes to dating options for Arizona. Minnick basically replaced Richard Webber as the head of the teaching program at Grey Sloan, and many of the attendings that were mentored by Richard Webber aren’t feeling that. Hello, insubordination! Arizona, who loves Webber, is torn, because she’s also feeling Minnick, and they were forced to hide their burgeoning friendship until – bam – Minnick planted a big one right on her. Why is this not great? Well, it’s good for them as a couple, but since half of the hospital hates Minnick, this may not be so great for Arizona professionally. She could be ostracized, ignored, etc. She won’t be fired, as Bailey is in charge of those things and she’s #TeamMinnick, but still – this is a sticky situation.
That all being said, I would love for Arizona to fall in love again. Calzona fans will remember how great she is when she’s in love, and maybe Arizona being with Minnick will make the other doctors realize that Minnick is a person and not just a doctor who is coming to Grey Sloan to change their whole way of doing things. Love is humanizing, y’all! I just hope everyone else sees it that way.