
Why The 2017 Solar Eclipse Is A Surprisingly Good Time To Protest

by Brandi Neal
Scott Olson/Getty Images News/Getty Images

In the wake of the tragedy in Charlottesville, Va., people are protesting with renewed purpose to resist the homophobic, xenophobic, and racist policies proposed by the Trump administration. Good news, though: It turns out, the universe is on their side. The 2017 solar eclipse is a surprisingly good time to organize and protest because certain things, like the solar eclipse occurring in Leo — which is a rising sign in President Trump's astrological birth chart — could negatively affect him during this time, according to Newsweek.

Additionally, many astrologists have noted that because Trump was born during a lunar eclipse — and because eclipses are usually catalysts for necessary change and rebirth — it potentially makes him more susceptible to the celestial power of eclipses, which we all can use to our advantage in our efforts to affect change.

"At the moment that he was born, certain degrees were activated. This eclipse is activating those same degrees,” Astrological Consultant Wade Caves told Max Kutner for Newsweek. "A lot of astrologers are expecting some kind of downfall, some kind of ruin, some kind of difficulty.”

Additionally, because solar eclipses represent new beginnings, the solar eclipse is a ripe time to introduce new ideas, gain momentum, and reveal hidden truths.

It's An Ideal Time For Illuminating Truth

"The job of an eclipse is to shine a glaring ray of truth to the part of your life that is being touched, and truth will likely arrive in a startling way," Astrologist Susan Miller explained on Astrology Zone. "Eclipses are brilliant illuminators, revealing a truth about a condition that you never in a million years knew existed. Once you are given the information, the news can act as a catalyst to a major decision or action you will take."

This means that people who have buying into falsehoods and refusing to see what's happening right in front of them could suddenly shift gears and have an "ah-ha" moment, which makes getting your message across a little easier. This could be a time when Trump's support base begins to destabilize and erode.

Astrologist Debra DeLeo-Moolenaar told Newsweek that Uranus will also affect the outcome of the solar eclipse. "[Uranus] disrupts everything that it touches. It is a lightning bolt from the blue. [Expect] serious change in any direction, and on a major scale.”

If you think astrology is a bunch of new age mumbo jumbo, consider this. Astrology is one of the oldest modalities in the world. Most of the things you rely on technology for today were once determined by astrology. And, astrologists don't come to their conclusions willy-nilly. Newsweek reported that — in order to make their predictions — astrologists consult thousands of years’ worth of theory and materials, and create and compare charts based on dates. "The closest career that’s out there is an economist," Caves noted.

While change is imminent post-solar eclipse, it might not be apparent right away. Caves told Newsweek that the effects of the total solar eclipse could take two years to completely manifest because the eclipse will take two hours to completely cross the entire country, and in astrology each hour represents one year.

Astrologists had previously predicted that August would be a rocky month for Trump, and we're already seeing that come to fruition.

Conditions Are Right To Abolish Bad Behavior

Astrology King noted that several cosmic alignments during the solar eclipse could make this the perfect storm for the Trump administration, including that the eclipse falls near the brightest start of the Leo constellation, the fixed-star Regulus.

"The Heart of the Lion is one of the most important and most powerful stars in astrology. It brings success but danger of loss," Astrology King explained. "The other main influence on solar eclipse new moon August 2017 is a helpful trine aspect to Uranus, the planet of change and excitement."

Regulus is important because its characteristics of independence, pride, confidence, bravery, and violence suggest a person who wants to conquer and rule, "to leave his mark before a successful challenger claims the throne."

Did I just describe storyline from Game of Thrones, or the current state of affairs at the White House? Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. For people who are self aware, the Aug. 21 solar eclipse has many gifts, including positive change, success, and an expanded awareness. For those who are less than self aware, the eclipse could help pave their path to destruction.

"The Aug. 21 solar eclipse works in tandem with the Aug. 7 lunar eclipse until the end of January 2018," Astrology King explained. The lunar eclipse opened a portal for some people to become greedy, selfish, and ruthless on their way to the top.

Additionally, Astrologist Marjorie Orr noted that myriad Trump troubles have previously followed lunar eclipses, including "when he was the butt of jokes by then President Obama and comedian Seth Meyers at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Association dinner after his birther campaign."

If you want to rattle Trump's glass house, this is an ideal time to protest the Trump administration's human right's violations with renewed purpose. Because, the universe has your back.