Here's Why Hannah Won't Send Luke P. Home, According To The Bachelorette Herself

Luke P. has been a headache for both Hannah B. and Bachelorette fans this season. He's gotten into multiple (and sometimes physical) confrontations with the other contestants, he's been territorial, and he's ignored Hannah's requests to give her space to explore other relationships. So after all of the drama he's created, why didn't Hannah send Luke P. home?
Well, technically, she did. She told him she couldn't give him the rose on their one-on-one date, but then Luke decided he had to "fight" for her and came back to convince her to let him stay. It worked long enough to get him a second shot (and cause even more drama), but ultimately, Hannah did give him a rose during the cocktail party ceremony. So what's the deal? Why is she so stuck on this guy?
For one, there's a lot we haven't gotten to see about her time with Luke P. As host Chris Harrison explained to Glamour, "Hannah's faith is very near and dear to her. And she has that connection with Luke P. She's had it from the start. They talk about religion. They talk about their values. They talk about scripture. They talk about their favorite verses, and they connect on that level. She doesn't really have that with any of the other guys."
During an appearance on former Bachelor Nick Viall's podcast, Hannah also offered a little bit of insight as to why she was (or still is, depending on how the season ends) so eager to make things work with Luke P. As it turns out, it was a mix of puppy love and nostalgia for a relationship she had in the past.
"My relationship with Luke P., especially at the beginning, like the instant connection, reminded me a lot of my really long-term relationship. And so it was like this initial attraction of like, goo goo ga ga eyes," she said. "And I know that, like ,through what we've seen, I really held on to that. I hadn't had a connection like that in a really long time, and when it had for me, it was like… it was huge. And he is a spark of something that I can see."
Hannah also said on the podcast that she tends to hold onto people that other people discard — she wants to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and try and turn them into the good person she can see inside of them.
That can be a wonderful, empathetic way to look at the world, but particularly on a reality show in which you have limited time to find your perfect partner, it might not be the wisest strategy to try and "fix" anyone. Plus, Luke P. is an adult — it's not any woman's job to try and mold him into what he "could" be. He should do that work himself.
It's unclear just how far Luke P. makes it, but Hannah's comments don't give anything away about of his fate. Whatever happens, fans should prepare for at least one more week of his drama, if not more.