Shaved off her hair, don't care. Comedian and actor Kathy Griffin, known for fiery red hair, has shaved her head. No, this gesture has nothing to do her recent national and professional controversy with President Donald Trump, either. She's not shedding skin and starting over. Instead, Griffin is moving past that very public and unsettling drama in a positive way. She shaved her had as a measure of solidarity with one of her sisters, who is battling cancer through chemotherapy, according to several sources.
That's a beautiful way for Griffin, 56, to shift focus away from a particularly rough professional period in favor of something critically important — to show strength with and for her sibling.
Journalist Yashar Ali, who writes for The Huffington Post and New York Magazine, posted the photo of the newly-bald Griffin with her hand pressed flat on the top of her fuzzy head. It is split with another image that appears to be Griffin's mother Maggie with her hand atop the celeb's head.
Griffin has not tweeted or Instagrammed an image of her newly shorn look as of press time. It's a huge change, as Griffin's flame-hued, thick hair is one of her signatures.
Below is Ali's tweet, featuring Griffin sans her strands. Her mother also happily retweeted the image, suggesting that it's totally legit.
There you have it. It's a new look for Griffin, but that physical manifestation is so incredibly secondary. Her act supports her sister in the most beautiful and emotional way.
Here is Ma Griffin's retweet. Obviously, many cancer patients undergo harrowing treatments like chemo, which cause them to lose their hair. This is a wonderful way for Griffin to show her sister that she is definitely not alone during this particularly trying time.