Fans Deserve 'Big Little Lies' Season 2

While the likelihood of a second season of Big Little Lies may be low, that doesn't mean it's necessarily going away for good. In my estimation, there is plenty of juice left in this HBO hit show. There are several reasons why Big Little Lies Season 2 should happen, and a variety of them rest on the fact that this show is good. No, scratch that. This show is beyond good; it's great. It's consistently remained, since its premiere, a show full of water cooler moments. It has somehow found a way to adapt Liane Moriarty's novel with faithfulness, while still being able to switch up elements that add relevance to American audiences.
Viewers always knew that Big Little Lies was going to be a limited series, but man, can't we change that to make room for at least one more season? It feels like these six episodes (with one more to go) have come and gone so quickly, but there is so much juicy plot to unpack. How can we say goodbye to Madeline, Celeste, Jane, Renata, and Bonnie so quickly after entering their lives so forcefully?
Like I said, there are plenty of little reasons why Big Little Lies is worthy of Season 2 consideration, but here are some of the biggest reasons I can think of for HBO to really rethink that "limited series" label.
The Cast Is Uniformly Exceptional
It's rare to get a cast together that consistently turns in such compelling performances. While it may be tough to ever get a cast like this together again, it would be a big selling point for Season 2 if they could. C'mon, who doesn't want more Laura Dern, Reese Witherspoon, Shailene Woodley, and Nicole Kidman in their lives on a weekly basis?
The Story Is Definitely Not Finished
The entire first season of Big Little Lies is predicated on a murder. It's the big event that was one of the initial reasons fans tuned in to watch. With the police interrogations serving as the framing device for exploring the big little lies that led to this murder, it's also opened up a can of worms about the lives of the people involved. Even though we will surely find out who is murdered in the series finale, this framing device and the murder are going to lead to a huge fallout, which could logically serve as another framing device or impetus for Season 2's action.
There's More To Celeste's Journey
There's an incredibly tangled web that's been woven between Celeste and Perry in the handful of years they've been married. We've only just learned that it was tough for Celeste to conceive the twins. We know that she got a sense of fulfillment from her job that was different from her sense of fulfillment as a wife and mother. We've seen Perry be loathsome, loving, and lustful for her. They egg each other on, but more often than not, Perry has hit first. Big Little Lies' exploration of this complicated portrait of an abusive relationship has become a major talking point week after week. As time goes on, it would be beneficial to explore Celeste's life after she leaves Perry, as the show seems to be setting her up to do.
There Are Some Serious, Feminist Issues Being Brought Up
Cracking open the glossy veneer of Monterey's moneyed class is a great way to examine contemporary feminist issues. Abigail's attempt to sell her virginity to protest sex trafficking, Celeste's troubled marriage, Madeline's feeling that perhaps something is missing despite having the perfect life, and Jane's attempt to piece herself back together years after a brutal rape are a few of the stories unpacking big ideas about being a woman, living in a fairly liberal subculture, and living in privilege in 2017. There are so many ways to develop these stories on Big Little Lies and keep them timely, hence the need for a second season.
If those reasons aren't good enough, then I will direct you to Renata's amazing histrionics and Bonnie's excellent dancing skills, because obviously we will forever need more of those things in our lives, too.