Gloria Estefan Is Joining 'One Day At A Time' & Her Character Sounds AMAZING

As far as Gloria Estefan is concerned, "this is it." Fans of Netflix's One Day At A Time reboot might recognize the phrase from the sitcom's iconic theme song, performed by the legendary music mogul herself. So, when Gloria Estefan announced she'll be guest-starring on One Day At A Time, it seemed duly appropriate that she did so in the spirit of the show and its timeless introductory track, singing a reworked version of the theme song to announce her very exciting news. The sheer showmanship of Estefan's announcement makes sense, not just because of Estefan's own career, but also because who Gloria Estefan is playing on One Day At A Time is a performer like no other.
Suffice to say, Estefan managed to share the exciting news with her internet following in perhaps the most perfect way. (That being said, as folks who've watched ODAAT would probably have to agree, it seems Estefan could've announced her upcoming involvement in the series in pretty much any way, shape, or form, and the news wouldn't have been any less exciting.) Kicking off her announcement post's accompanying caption, the music icon cut right to the chase:
So excited to announce that I'll finally be guest starring on @odaatneflix.
And while the enthusiastic comments section suggests there's more than enough excitement to go around, it was the post's selfie-style video clip that seems to take center stage amid the ODAAT cameo buzz. After watching Estefan's recent announcement video unveiling the news, which the star posted to Instagram Monday afternoon, June 25, it's pretty easy to see why.
"This is it!" Estefan croons playfully (albeit nonetheless impeccably, rest assured) at the start of her announcement video. While her delightfully off-the-cuff intro bit sounds a lot like some kind of lilting acoustic version of One Day At A Time's actual theme song, it becomes clear pretty early-on in the announcement video that that's not exactly the case. Adapting the theme song's lyrics with conceivable ease, Estefan ventures off-book a little bit. Flaunting those powerhouse vocal chops, Estefan quite literally alerts social media to the news of her freshly-minted ODAAT gig in song-form, all to the tune of "This Is It."
"This is fun," Estefan continues — still singing — before delivering the punch line: "I get to guest star on One Day At A Time!" And cue: The enthusiastic chorus of celebratory remarks from fans of the series who've been waiting to see an Estefan-helmed cameo appearance on ODAAT for what feels like centuries. In reality, of course, it's only been a couple of years, since One Day At A Time first got its Netflix reboot in early 2017. Still, as it turns out, Estefan has actually been holding out for her moment in the ODAAT spotlight, too. Though her video announcement's musical component unfortunately tapers out after the first few lines, Estefan's enthusiasm is palpable as she segues into the clip's spoken portion.
"I've been waiting three seasons for this, people!" she says excitedly into the camera, before adding, "I'm a big fan, One Day At A Time!" Estefan also told her fans to "get ready," since, apparently, the upcoming cameo is going to be pretty hilarious.
Estefan offered a little glimpse into what her character is going to be like in the announcement post's caption. "I'll be playing Mirtha, Lydia's baby sister and arch-nemesis," Estefan wrote, before wrapping up the caption with a spirited heads up to her new fictional relatives: "I'm coming for you, Alvarez family!"
For anyone in need of a little refresher, Lydia is the spitfire Alvarez grandmother, played masterfully by Rita Moreno. So that means that fans can definitely expect Estefan and Moreno, two legends in their own right, to share the small screen. It seems pretty safe to say Estefan's One Day At A Time guest appearance is going to be one for the ages.