Why 'This Is Us' Fans Will Recognize 'Never Have I Ever' Heartthrob Paxton

Mindy Kaling's new Netflix series Never Have I Ever is a coming-of-age story centered around Devi, a first-generation Indian-American high schooler determined to make her sophomore year unforgettable. One way she plans on doing this is by having sex with Paxton — played by Darren Barnet — a popular upperclassman and talented athlete with the abs to prove it.
However, according to Barnet's own personal description of the character, Paxton is much more than just a pretty face. "[Paxton is] an aloof jock with a heart of gold and layers you might not see on the surface," he explained in an Instagram post. Considering Devi's sexual intentions, it just may take her a little while to realize that.
As for Barnet, he's becoming somewhat of an expert at portraying lovable heartthrobs. Prior to Never Have I Ever, he played a young Jack Pearson on This Is Us. The episode, titled "The Right Thing to Do," aired in January 2017 during the show's first season.
"Such brilliant writing and all around talent on this incredible show. Thank you so much for your support!" Barnet wrote on Instagram after his This Is Us debut.
Aside from the NBC drama, Barnet has appeared in CBS' Criminal Minds, Netflix's Family Reunion, Facebook Watch's Turnt, and a Lifetime original movie called Instakiller. Most of his roles have been relatively minor, but Never Have I Ever could be a great way to put Barnet on the map.
"I used to work a day job on sunset Blvd as a bike attendant and front desk associate for @soulcycle. I would park a mile away from work at a friends house to avoid a $4 parking fee," Barnet explained in a recent Instagram post. "I’d walk to work everyday [sic] seeing all of the ads for new shows and movies. I had zero credits under my belt. The climb certainly continues but I cannot express what a milestone it is for me so see our show @neverhaveiever all up and down sunset today."
As his resume continues to grow, odds are we'll be seeing a lot more of him in the future.