Anyone who watches both The Bachelorette and The Bachelor knows that the contestants don't usually go by their first and last names. Well, that's all changing with Season 13. The Bachelorette's Jack Stone apparently wants you to know him by not only his first name, but also his surname. I mean, why else would he be listed as "Jack Stone"?
Well, just like Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay, he too is an attorney. The way his name is listed might have something to do with that. Maybe he likes to go by "Jack Stone" so people can look him up and then hire him? Or, maybe, it's part of his marketing? "Jack Stone, attorney at law." Can't you just hear that in an ad? His name alone sounds like he'd get the job done.
There's always the chance that Jack thinks he's James Bond and prefers to introduce himself as, "Stone. Jack Stone." Hey, it could happen. Actually, Chris Harrison did relate Jack to Michael J. Fox's character, Ben Stone, in Doc Hollywood during a Facebook Live chat Wednesday, where he announced this season's contestants. Harrison said there is no connection between Fox's character and Stone, but all of this just makes me think that Jack finds himself pretty famous and important, which is why his first and last name are given.
Harrison also pointed out that two attorneys might not be able to along well enough to form a romance. Who knows if this will be the case with Rachel and Jack, but before that mystery can be solved, let's try to figure out Jack's name.
Besides his name, some other information you might want to know about Jack is that he's 32 and admires his mom for a really good reason. Per his biography on ABC.com, he says about his mom, "While battling cancer, she always stayed positive and had a zest for life until the very end."
And when it comes to dating, Jack likes a woman who wants to be pursued, because, "She knows how to play the game." Oh, and the best date he's ever been on? "The 48-hour date, where we just didn't want to leave each other," he said. "It was very easy to be with each other."
Well, at least a little bit is now known about him, but what about his name?Really, who knows what is going on with that. It's not entirely clear why he's listed as "Jack Stone," but I have a feeling he'll explain during the premiere.