Roger Stone's Twitter Tirade Is Insulting

It seems President Trump isn't the only loose cannon on Twitter that his enemies — and his administration — have to worry about. Over the weekend, longtime Trump advisor Roger Stone sent insulting tweets that rival even those of the president. Although Stone no longer officially works for POTUS, the connections between them are undeniable.
Stone previously served as an advisor to Trump's presidential campaign, but he left before the primaries began. At the time of his departure, the National Review described him as a "longtime friend and closest political advisor" to Trump. After leaving the campaign, Stone reportedly ran a pro-Trump super PAC called "The Committee to Restore America's Greatness" (a.k.a. Make America Great Again). Stone doesn't hold a White House title, but there's no doubt that he's a Trump supporter. His Twitter bio describes him as a "long time Trump advisor," as well as a "rabble rouser."
At the end of January, Stone published a book, The Making of the President 2016: How Donald Trump Orchestrated a Revolution. According to its Amazon page, the book is billed as the "first in-depth examination of how Trump's campaign tapped into the national mood to deliver a stunning victory."
As if the book and the reputation weren't enough, Stone's tweets demonstrate his relationship with the president, too. On Saturday, Stone apparently rallied for Trump in Palm Springs, California.
Still, it's his other tweets from this weekend that are truly concerning.
On Saturday, Stone used tweets to call CNN's Ana Navarro, a Republican strategist, "fat" and "ugly." In the same tweet, he also made allegations about her sex life. He appeared to call author J.K. Rowling a "hypocrite" for her stance on refugees, and he told a New York Magazine and Daily Beast writer to "go fuck yourself." A handful of his tweets supported Trump's claims of wire-tapping by the Obama administration, which an Obama spokesperson has denied.
Additionally, in some now-deleted tweets, Stone continued to use profanity in insulting people on Twitter. When a woman asking him if he knew what libel was, in regards to him saying "Obama responsible for illegal surviellance," he told her he'd love to crush her in court, "forcing you to eat shit," and then called her a "stupid ignorant ugly bitch." In another tweet to that same woman, after she posted about his comments regarding Julian Assange, he again called her a "stupid stupid bitch."
The tweets, of course, were screenshot.
On Sunday, Stone appeared to pat himself on the back for his earlier tweets:
For seasoned politicos, Stone's antics might seem like nothing new. According to CNN, he was previously described by a colleague as "the type of guy who generates heat everywhere he goes." (Fun fact: Stone reportedly has a tattoo of former President Richard Nixon's face in the center of his back.)
In fact, it's not even the first time that Stone's comments about Navarro have received backlash. He was previously banned from CNN for earlier comments he made about Navarro, as well as from MSNBC for similar reasons.
Stone seems wholly committed to his support of Trump — so much so that he'll resort to insulting tweets to make his point. What's perhaps more unfortunate is that Stone's antics are well known in the political world, and it seems that they're becoming more common by the day in the current administration.