Getting To Know Deidre Scaramucci, Anthony's Wife
On Friday, President Trump announced that financier Anthony Scaramucci will be the White House's new communications director, following the departure of Republican strategist Mike Dubke from the post in May. The former investment banker is no stranger to politics — and neither is his wife Deidre Scaramucci.
Deidre, whose maiden name is Deidre Ball, is the vice president of investor relations at SkyBridge capital, the investment firm Anthony founded in 2005. According to her LinkedIn profile, she attended University of Buffalo from 1997-2001 and currently lives in Manhasset, New York.
Deidre doesn't work in government, but she's made around $18,000 in donations to political campaigns, according to She has primarily given to Republicans: Deidre donated $10,800 to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's presidential campaign and $2,700 to former Florida Governor Jeb Bush's campaign in 2015. That same year, however, she also gave $5,400 to the congressional campaign of Democrat Kathleen Rice that same year. Rice, who once called Trump a "straight-up liar" on Twitter, won her election that year, and now represents New York's Fourth Congressional District.
In general, Deidre has kept a lower profile than her husband. She does not appear to have a Twitter account, although a 2016 tweet from her husband suggests that she once went by the handle @MrsAScaramucci on the social media platform. According to, she deleted her account after her husband was appointed as White House Communications Director.
The day Trump announced Anthony's appointment, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer announced that he will resign from his post, effective August. According to several media reports, Spicer strongly apposed Anthony's appointment, didn't believe him capable of doing the job, and rejected an offer from Trump to serve in a position that would be subordinate to Anthony's.
Broadly speaking, Anthony is a strong and enthusiastic supporter of the president. But according to his Twitter, he has progressive views on several major policy issues, including climate change, same-sex marriage, the death penalty and gun control. He also referred to Trump as "anti-American" and "a hack" in a 2015 appearance on Fox News; on Friday, Anthony said that he "should have never said that about" Trump, and said he'd apologized to the president multiple times for the remarks.
"Mr. President, if you're listening, I personally apologize for the 50th time for saying that," Anthony said. He added that Trump reminds him of those comments "every 15 seconds."