Get To Know Alex From 'The Bachelorette'

It's an exciting time for fans of The Bachelorette. The new season begins tonight, May 22, and will feature the first ever black Bachelorette, Rachel Lindsay. The announcement that Lindsay would be in the driver's seat was welcome news to most viewers, who felt that diversity in the casting was long overdue. A total of 31 men will be competing for Lindsay's heart this season, including Bachelorette contestant Alex Bordyukov. According to his profile on ABC's website he's 6 foot 2 inches tall, 28-years-old, and he's an Information Systems Supervisor. He describes his worst qualities as being "selfish, unemotional" and "unapologetic." Now I don't know about you, but I definitely think those are three qualities that totally make for a good reality show contestant. On the flip side he claims that his best three qualities are that he's "adaptable, logical" and "fun." That also makes me think that he's going to be enjoyable to watch this season.
So, what else is known about Alex? Well, during a recent appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show we learned that he can speak Russian. Check out a video from when he and a few other cast members made an appearance on the talk show below.
According to host Chris Harrison, Alex has "chiseled good looks." Not necessarily surprising considering he's a contestant on a popular reality show. Apparently Alex also shares an Instagram account with his friend Valentino J. Smith, who does not appear to be a contestant on The Bachelorette, and it's no wonder Harrison describes Alex as "chiseled." From the looks of his 'gram feed, he definitely spends plenty of time in the gym.
According to Heavy, eight gentlemen will get sent home during tonight's season premier episode of The Bachelorette. Will Alex be one of the men staying or leaving? You'll have to tune in tonight to see!