There's Something Weird About The 'Fuller House' Season 3 Episodes That Becky & Jesse Are In

Spoilers for Season 3 ahead. If you're embracing all things nostalgic, you might be wondering how many Fuller House episodes are Becky and Jesse in this time round? The answer is a touch disappointing: they're in just two episodes. But even this is a little misleading, because audiences don't get blessed with the two Katsopolises at the same time.
Jesse shows up for the fifth installment of the new season, unaccompanied by his wife. The official narrative reason is that his producer wife is doing a show in New York for a few weeks, leaving him to look after their adopted baby Pamela alone. He's decided to visit D.J., Stephanie and Kimmy because he's "jonesing for some adult conversation," but fate isn't on his side; the women are headed on a night out and leave him to babysit.
Which should be fine, right? He's cool uncle Jesse. Except that he's severely sleep deprived, and, according to him, his new baby is the only one he can't handle, because she's refusing to catch some shuteye. If you're wondering about the real reason why he appears wife-free in the episode and assuming it's because the actors, John Stamos and Lori Loughlin, have schedules that were too different to coordinate, the photo below suggests this isn't the case. Since Stamos is an executive producer on Fuller House, presumably this shows the pair goofing around backstage since they don't appear on any episodes together.
Loughlin appears for just one episode too, Episode 8, in which Aunt Becky shows up, ostensibly because she needs "a vacation day from" D.J.'s dad, news anchorman Danny. But it's actually because she's secretly organized an appointment for Stephanie to visit a fertility specialist. Sounds kind of intrusive, right? But it's because, as she tells the Steph, she knows "how much you want to be a mom," referring to the fertility issues we learned the Tanner sister had way back in Season 1 Episode 5. During the episode, in a cryptic aside, the formerly London-based sister said she "can't have children. I'm okay... I just found out a while ago it's not going to happen for me."
It's worth noting that the storyline is a little surprising, given what series creator Jeff Franklin told TV Line back in February 2016, when he stressed that Stephanie not having children was a very deliberate choice on his part. Franklin explained that he "wanted one of the three to not have kids.." However, even then he did confirm that fertility treatments "may be something that’s referenced again in the series," so maybe this has been in the pipeline since Season 1.
Still, the two storylines do give us some hints why the pair couldn't appear in the same episode. Jesse's episode is about him being the only grown up in the house and facing the challenge of babysitting a whole gaggle of kids, plus his new daughter, alone. The stakes simply wouldn't be as high if he had his ultra competent wife by his side. And Becky's episode is all about her bonding with Stephanie over her desire for a child, something she also experienced recently (thus the adopted daughter). Plus, it's a pretty intimate appointment. Somehow, the whole surprising Steph with a trip to the fertility clinic trick would have made a lot less sense with Uncle Jesse along for the ride.
Besides which, it feels like the production team want to dole out the treats bit by bit. When Stamo and Loughlin first appear in their episodes, you can hear the audience whooping as they come through the door. Many viewers are tuning in mostly for the nostalgia aspect, and that gets more exciting when we don't get it all at once.
So no, it's not fair that we don't get to see Becky and Jesse together and that they're in a grand total of one episode each. But let's praise goddess that they're there at all. The show's all the richer for their performances.