
Here's Where You Can See This Month’s Partial Solar Eclipse — If You Have Time To Travel There

by Kaitlyn Wylde
NASA/Getty Images News/Getty Images

On August 11, the moon, the sun, and the Earth will arrange themselves and perform a partial solar eclipse for many to see. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes in between the Earth and the sun, and all or part of the sun is obscured by the moon's shadow. You'll want to know where you need to be to see the August 2018 partial solar eclipse, because the rare event isn't going to be visible to all. You won't want to miss the opportunity to see the sun looking like the heavens took a bite out of it, but unfortunately not everyone will be able to see this particular celestial wonder.

Technically, this solar eclipse will be the most viewable one of the year 2018, with it being visible from northern and eastern Europe, northern parts of North America, and some northern and western locations in Asia. That said, for us New Yorkers, we still won't have anything special to see in the sky. The eclipse shadow path will miss the United States, only grazing the northern corners of North America. I know, I know, I too got excited when I saw that North America was on the list of viewable locations, but unfortunately for us, the next solar eclipse we'll be able to see won't be until June 10, 2021 — I told you it was rare!

If you want get a peak of this solar eclipse, you'll have to head to Canada or Greenland. If those two epic road trips are not options for you, you can enjoy an unencumbered view online. Here are some places you can check out for a live feed of August 2018's partial solar eclipse, getting the best view without having to move:

NASA/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Check back for a live coverage, images, and more information on the partial solar eclipse. If there's anything you wanted to learn about the sun, eclipses or other celestial events, it's all there.

Christopher Furlong/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Check back for historical information on solar eclipses, a list of future solar and lunar eclipses in your area, live footage, easy-to-follow illustrations and much more. If you're in a viewing area, you can check out this site for information on where exactly to be and when exactly to look up.


George Frey/Getty Images News/Getty Images

If you don't have cable, you can check out this news coverage of the partial solar eclipse in real time.

Space & Universe Official

Bill Ingalls/NASA/Getty Images News/Getty Images

This Youtube channels offers access to NASA footage of celestial events regularly. You can always check back to see videos of past events, like July's total lunar eclipse and blood moon.

The Weather Channel App

Joe Raedle/Getty Images News/Getty Images

You'll have to download the app to see the live footage feature, but if you're often curious about astronomical events, it's well worth the storage space, plus, it's free.

The Virtual Telescope Project

NASA/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Check back for live footage, photography and more information on the partial solar eclipse. You can use this special site to literally see anything special going on in the sky, it's a great educational resource in addition to being totally entertaining.