Where To Buy Those Delicious Rainbow Churros You're Seeing All Over Instagram

Whether you like it or not, rainbow-themed food is all the rage. There’s those crazy rainbow bagels, rainbow pancakes, rainbow coffee, even rainbow sushi if you’re feeling a little crazy. But these rainbow churros? They are the cherry on top of a delicious rainbow sprinkled cake. So where can you get rainbow churros?
If you want them, then book your next flight to LAX right now because these devilish looking treats are located in Westminster, Calif. They are made at a small shop called The Loop, which is fitting seeing as they bend each churro into a loop. They are dipped in colorful sugar, which will certainly transform your tongue into all different colors. But for a churro this beautiful? Totally worth it. For a decadent finishing touch, you can even have the churro can even be placed on top of an ice cream sundae. Currently booking my flights as I write this.
These rainbow churros were officially announced by The Loop on Mar. 12 via their Instagram. These rainbow churros are so picture-perfect, your Instagram feed will be begging for a picture of it.
Now if you’re not a fan of this rainbow food trend, that’s fine, I won’t be a hater. But I will tell you to still book your flight. Why? Because even without these rainbow churros, The Loop is still the perfect excuse for a plain ride to LA. You can order a churro three separate ways at The Loop — plain with a dipping sauce of your choice, glazed with some of the best looking flavors alive, or topped on an ice cream sundae. There’s also drinks available for those who aren’t looking into having churros, but let’s be honest... you flew all the way to Los Angeles for a churro. You’re going to eat one. Maybe three. Again, zero judgment over here (especially from someone who served churros at her wedding instead of a cake).
So whether you like it or not, rainbow churros are a thing, and hopefully will be for a very, very long time. Who's booking a flight with me?