Amy Schumer's Tote Is Fashionably Feminist

This actress and comedian is one of the many celebrities who have been vocal about her beliefs throughout the election process and now that Donald Trump has assumed his role as president. She’s taken to Instagram as a platform to share her mind and create calls to action, and this photo of Amy Schumer’s "Pro Choice" purse is no exception. Her latest post features the work of a feminist artist who you should definitely learn more about.
The purse, which features the phrase “Pro Choice” on one side and “Nasty Woman” on the other in neon lettering, was designed by Michele Pred. According to her website, Pred is a Swedish-American conceptual artist who "works with found and confiscated objects and technology imbued with cultural and political meaning.” Much of her work focuses on current issues. Similar bags to the one Schumer showed off on social media were featured at an exhibition on display at the Nancy Hoffman Gallery in New York in 2015, although these pieces couldn't be more timely and relevant. The exhibition showcased bags with the phrases, “Choice" and “My Body My Business,” among others.
"We are in a state of emergency in the US for women's rights and human rights," Pred tells Bustle in an email. And while there is a certain sense of timeliness to her art, this feminist focus isn't new for Pred. "My work has focused on women's rights with a particular focus of reproductive rights for the last 5 years," she says.
Work it out, #NastyWoman!
Schumer's not afraid to stand up for what she believes in.
And her fashion choices only further prove that to be true.
Pred's work allows vintage bags to take on a whole new life.
This feminist briefcase is just the kind of thing every #girlboss needs.
Let your bag do the talking.
Whether she's discussing abortion laws or the wage gap, Pred always makes quite the impact with her pieces. You can see the purses featured above on display at Project Empty Space in Newark through June 1.
The artist has also been donating some of the proceeds from her work to NARAL and Planned Parenthood Illinois, she tells Bustle. Last month alone, she writes, she donated $2,000 to Planned Parenthood Illinois.
Now, it may be a bit expensive to own a piece of Pred-designed art for yourself, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of more affordable options that will allow you to express your opinions, too.
1. Feminist Tote
Feminist Tote, $22.50, Seltzer Goods
Your style, defined.
2. Equal Power Pin
Statement Pin, $36, Round + Square
The greatest part about this pin (besides its message, of course) is that it can be worn anywhere. On your lapel, on your tote bag, on your scarf. Carry this sentiment with you wherever you go.
3. Nasty Women Unite Tote
Nasty Women Unite, $28, The Outrage
There's nothing more powerful than a girl gang, after all. When you purchase this bag, 15 percent of the proceeds go to Planned Parenthood, according to the website.
4. Cats Against Catcalls Tote Bag
Cats Agains Catcalls Tote, $24.95, Feminist Apparel
This brings a whole new definition to "cat lady," huh?
5. Pro-Choice Tote
Pro Choice Tote Bag, $23.99, Look Human
These are the things I'm pro, for sure.
6. Boy, Bye Tote
Boy Bye Tote Bag, $30, Beyoncé Shop
Tell 'em "boy, bye," you know?
Self-expression is a powerful thing.