Hot Cross Bun M&Ms Are A Real Thing Now & They Sound Like An Absolute DREAM

It feels like Spring is so far away, but, y'all, before you know it the Easter bunny will be hopping into your life, bringing a heap of Easter cheer, sunshine (hopefully), and, most importantly, some delicious novelty treats. Just think about all those special-edition chocolates, all those Easter eggs you absolutely cannot wait for the big day to eat, and, of course, all those hot cross bun M&M's. Sorry what?! You heard me right, y'all. M&M's have kicked it up a gear for Easter 2019. But where can you buy hot cross bun M&M's?
This is not a bloody drill. I assure you. This is real life. And real life is lit — but also full of sorrow. So, of course, there is a catch when it comes to buying these delicious treats. Sadly, hot cross bun M&M's are only available to buy in Australia. For us UK folk, that is literally about as far away as is humanly possible and, for most people, flying to the other side of the world for a snack might seem a bit excessive. Which is, like, fair enough. I guess.
Bustle spoke to Mars, who confirmed that the treats would not be hitting British shores any time soon. Even some quick searches round eBay weren't fruitful, so I guess these little beauties will have to remain a beautiful dream.
So what do these little gorgeous treats taste like? Well, according to all of the social media kerfuffle about them, they combine the delicious flavours of sweet milk chocolate and cinnamon spice, making you feel as if you're snarfing down a real hot cross bun. All this inside the M&M's signature crispy shell. Hell yes. But, alas, this unique flavour experience is out of reach.
But instead pining for something you can't get, why not focus on something you CAN get? That's right — there are alternatives when it comes to satisfying you hot-cross-bun-flavoured cravings. Move over pumpkin spice, your time has been and gone. And buzz off Christmas-flavoured anything. We are done babe.
Check out these treats.
And if that is not enough to satisfy your needs, you can also just, like, eat a whole bunch of hot cross buns and M&M's at the same time maybe? Is that weird? Who cares.
Although the prospect of not eating these limited-edition treats anytime soon is low-key devastating, you have to be positive in life. There are other M&M's options in the UK. In fact, M&M's are seriously cashing in on the Easter period over here, with their limited edition M&M mini eggs.
Chief Easter Officer at Mars Wrigley Confectionery, Chirag Shah, had a lot to say about the new product, as the Independent reports. And with a job title like that, Shah is basically the real-life Easter Bunny. So listen up.
"We’re thrilled to be launching M&M’s® Eggs in the UK this year. M&M’s is the world’s number one confectionery brand and this new treat brings a seasonal twist to everyone’s favourite crunchy chocolate."
OK, maybe it isn't hot cross bun flavoured M&M's. But you know what? I'll take it babes.