Spoilers ahead for Catfish Season 7, Episode 26. Unlike most Catfish cases in which potential lovers or friends are separated by hundreds of miles, this week's episode united two people who were already living on the same college campus. A mysterious hot guy, Brian, added Aubri on Snapchat one day. He told her he lived across campus, but could never meet up or video chat. That's when she knew something was up, and rightfully so: it turns out "Brian" is a girl named Courtney, and she happens to be Aubri's roommate. So, how did they navigate that awkward twist? Where are Aubri and Courtney now?
Spoiler alert: they're roommates, and Brian is a girl named Courtney. The two attend Blinn College in Brenham, Texas together, and at the time of filming, they shared a house with two other girls. Their third roommate, Janisa, was actually the one to contact Catfish for help, concerned that Aubri would get hurt again after recently coming out of a toxic relationship.
When Janisa pointed out to Nev and his co-host for the episode, model Slick Woods, that this Brian guy added Aubri on Snapchat by manually entering her username, it seemed obvious that she could be talking to someone she already knew. That, or someone she knew was giving out her information. But if it was someone close to Aubri, she had no idea who it could be. Nev asked if she was on good terms with all of her roommates — wondering if there was any potential for revenge via catfishing — but Aubri said everything was just fine.
After scoping out the campus and chatting to both an R.A. in Brian's supposed residence hall and a rec center employee who would've recognized his name, Nev and co. were pretty sure he wasn't a real person. They arranged a meeting with "Brian" via Snapchat (Aubri never got his phone number), and before they could pull out of Aubri's driveway to go meet him, Courtney came running out the front door.
She admitted to creating the Brian Snapchat. Why? Because after living with her, she developed feelings for her and didn't know how to express them or get to know Aubri better as herself. The kicker? Janisa knew about it the whole time, and only contacted Catfish to mediate Courtney's confession. She even helped her set up the fake account.
Both of them insisted that their were no ill intentions behind their deception — they just didn't know how else to talk to Aubri, and they both wanted to give Courtney the opportunity to get closer to her. Obviously, that plan backfired when Aubri felt completely blindsided and betrayed.
At the end of their meeting with Nev and Slick, Aubri told the girls that she didn't think she could continue being friends with them. But in the regular two-month follow up after filming, the three of them were, surprisingly, still living together and getting along. They decided that the whole experience taught them all a lesson on the importance of honest communication and self-awareness, and to remain friends after all. Moving forward, Courtney said she would embrace her new feelings for women in a healthier way.
Now, by the looks of their Facebook profiles (Yes, they're still Facebook friends), it looks like neither Aubri or Courtney are in relationships. They're both focusing on themselves. On Dec. 19, Aubri shared a post that reads, "This is my last year of tolerating less than I deserve." Did you notice her stunning lashes during the episode? Fun fact: she announced on Facebook that she creates and sells her own mink falsies.
On Jan. 3, Courtney wrote a Facebook status that says, "I'm going ghost next week ... If you know then you know." Could she possibly be referencing the airing of her Catfish episode and the attention she might receive? That seems to be a good possibility. People may see her as the bad guy at first, but all that really matters is that Aubri has forgiven her and they've both chosen to move on.