Love 'em or hate 'em, you're definitely not alone if you've had a few one-night stands. According to a recent study by DrEd.com, the majority of people have had a one-night stand at least once in their life. Of those who have had a one-night stand, 86 percent report that it was spontaneous and 14 percent said it was planned. However, no matter how people get from clothed to naked, the fact remains that 66 percent of people have indulged in a one-night stand — which can actually be a good thing. There's quite a lot to be learned from a one-night stand.
DrEd, an online doctor with a focus on sexual health, surveyed 1,000 men and women, 500 of whom were American and 500 of whom were European, to uncover all the fascinating details regarding one-night stands. They inquired about who's having them, why they're having them, just how much enjoyment — or lack there of — comes with one night of sex with a random stranger, and, most importantly, where are these people meeting these one-night stands.
So if you're thinking this weekend is the weekend to finally have your first one-night stand or to procure another one to add to your long list of them, here are the places to which you want to head.
1Both Men And Women Get Lucky In Bars
According to the study, the top spot to score a one-night stand, for both men and women, is in a bar. For 42 percent of women and 42 percent of men, this is where you want to head if you're looking for a one-night stand.
2Women Do Better At Clubs Than Men
After the bar, women do best at clubs. It's at clubs that 25 percent of women manage to find themselves a sex partner for the night. In contrast, only 20 percent of men have such luck.
3Men Have More Luck Online Than Women
While women are killing it at the club, well, relatively speaking, men are finding their one-night stands via dating apps and/or websites. For 26 percent of men, the best route to a one-night stand is through their phone. Women, on the other hand, have a 21 percent chance of finding a hookup for the night with apps and sites.
4Men Have More Luck At School Than Women
For 12 percent of men, school — college or university — is where they're most likely to find a one-night stand. Although women aren't too far behind, at seven percent, they still lag a bit on the school front... because they're out of the club, of course.
5Women Don't See Work As Being Off Limits For One-Night Stands
Despite the fact that hooking up with or dating a coworker can be tricky territory, five percent of women have had a one-night stand with someone with whom they work. While that may be the case for women, the survey found that zero percent of guys have had a one-night stand with a coworker..
No matter how you slice it or where you go, if you want to have a one-night stand, there's a pretty good chance you can have one. Just figure out in what atmosphere you thrive best and go there. If you want, you can totally have a one-night stand this weekend.