Luke P. has done nothing but cause drama all season, and Bachelorette fans are ready to see him go. Fortunately, though pinpointing exactly when Hannah sends Luke P. home is a little tricky, promos for the rest of the season have all but confirmed it's happening. If the two tensely fighting while standing next to one of the show's signature black cars isn't proof he doesn't make it to the end, what is?
The preview shows Luke saying that if Hannah has had sex with any of the other contestants, he'd be "wanting to go home" (despite the fact that he's openly said he "chased sex" before reconnecting with God). Naturally, Hannah isn't happy that he'd want to dictate her choices and her body, and things quickly escalate into a heated blowout that makes it seem pretty impossible he stays in the competition afterward.
It's hard to tell when this all goes down, but it doesn't really seem like a hometown date setting. Luke P. confronts her over what looks like the night portion of a one-on-one date, which suggests it takes place after hometowns are done, and that he skates through while yet another prospect goes home in the meantime.
About 45 seconds into the same trailer is another hint that Luke makes it past hometowns. When he and Hannah are shown kissing, it looks like they're somewhere in Greece, where The Bachelorette hasn't traveled yet. If that's their post-hometown stop, it might be where Luke finally gets the boot.
So unfortunately, we might have to endure yet another elimination that isn't Luke P. All signs point to him making it as far as the Fantasy Suite dates, since that's when the topic of sex would most naturally come up. But if we can all hang tight just a little bit longer, we will finally get to have the sweet relief of no longer having him on our screens...that is, unless he's at the Men Tell All.
Frustrating as it is that Luke P. has managed to stick around so long, despite Hannah already having tried to send him home once, we're obviously seeing a lot more than she did in the moment. She wasn't around for him throwing bologna at Garrett or telling the camera that he was going to act like they never had a difficult conversation. She was exposed to bad things about him, yes, but she hasn't held back in confronting him about that.
It's impossible to imagine what it must be like to be the Bachelorette, having to navigate a weird, unnatural environment with a bunch of strange men while isolated from the loved ones you usually lean on for guidance and advice. Hannah's said that Luke P. reminded her of someone she used to date, so maybe she's been clinging to the one thing that feels familiar in all of this.
Whatever the reason Luke has kept been around this long, the end of his journey feels close — just maybe not as close as it should be.