Tom Hardy Is Back On CBeebies With 6 More Adorable Bedtime Stories Starring His Dog

Do you remember the sweet joy of being read stories before bed when you were a wee one? It's the most comforting and simple entertainment, but as you grow up it's often left by the wayside. Life creeps up on you and maybe it would feel a bit weird to be read a bedtime story as an adult. OK hold that thought and imagine it was being read to you by an actual babe because Tom Hardy is reading bedtime stories on Cbeebies and that's one clear cut way to ensure sweet dreams.
Wow, just when you thought that the only adults who benefitted from this channel were ones with kids — turns out you're about to milk that license fee for all it's worth.
The very excellent news is that this isn't just a one night affair. Oh no, it's going to be a brand spanking new story every day at 6.50p.m from Monday April 27 to Friday May 1. There'll be a sixth story, although they've yet to announce on what date that will be broadcast.
If having a heartthrob read you stories isn't enough, for some of the stories he's going to be accompanied by his handsome AF French bulldog Blue. I mean come on, Blue starring alongside him really takes the (dog) biscuit.
The first story is about a young cactus called Felipe who's really in need of a cuddle but sadly his family are a bit adverse to physical affection. So he heads off on his own little adventure to find friends. The story begins, "Hello. I'm Tom. Sometimes, on a day like this, I feel strong and happy. But on other days, I just need somebody to give me a hug." Don't worry babe, I know several thousand people who'd be very keen on giving you a hug.
In light of the coronavirus outbreak the stories have been filmed with social distancing in mind and in Hardy's actual garden, which means you'll get a real insight into his day to day life.
Watch CBeebies Bedtime Stories weekdays at 6.50p.m. on the CBeebies channel and BBC iPlayer.
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