Mercury Retrograde Ended, But You’ll Still Feel The Effects Through The Beginning Of May

So Mercury's most recently retrograde finally came to a close on Apr. 15, after three weeks of chaotic incommunicable hell. However, don't jump for joy just yet — it's still not over, because now we have to get through Mercury's post retrograde shadow period. The shadow period that follows a planetary retrograde isn't quite the same thing as retrograde in negative intensity, but it's definitely what's in between you and your good luck for two weeks. If you haven't even had a chance to celebrate the end of the retrograde because now you're wondering when Mercury retrograde's post-shadow period is over, I feel you.
During Mercury's retrograde, we're faced with frustration after frustration — misunderstandings, travel delays, communication errors, you name it. After a few set backs and hiccups, many start to put their protective walls up; it's only natural after constantly walking around bracing for impact and expecting plans to fall through. If everything is going to go haywire, why try? So, by the time Mercury retrograde is set to be over, we're all ready for a change — but thanks to the shadow period after Mercury retrograde, that change is going to be a bit delayed. During shadow periods, the effects of whatever retrograde just occurred — in this case, Mercury's — still stick around to cause some havoc as the planet begins to turn direct. This phase can usually last up to two weeks, so if you feel that negative Mercury retrograde energy through May 3, don't be surprised.
Luckily, though, there is a light at the end of the tunnel: Mercury retrograde's post-shadow phase is over on May 3, so things will really get back to normal then. For now.
Over the next two weeks you'll have to make an extra effort to find patience and kindness, especially when dealing with loved ones. It's easy to lose sight of things and convince yourself that you're the only one having a tough time and that no one else has a stress level that could even compare, but it's actually much more fair to assume we're all being dealt a similar planetary load of drama and disaster. There can be a tendency to be comfortable exposing short fuses with people who we are familiar with, but remember that we're all going through a trying time together, so you can't take out your temper on your friends and family. Take some time to reflect on your behavior over the last three weeks — what can you improve?
Use the shadow period to be reflective and get in touch with loved ones to clear the slate. If you've been checking in with people only vent and talk about what's going on in your life, try to turn things around and check in with people to hear about what's going on with them. Consider your tone before you send a message and consider the context. If the last few messages you've sent someone were about you, were terse, or were negative, find the will to be positive and selfless in your next message. At first, it might feel forced to turn the conversation and tone around, but that doesn't make it any less meaningful. If it's been hard for you to be there for people lately, that's because of Mercury's retrograde — but now that things are starting to move in the right direction again, it will become easier and easier to communicate with people the way that you feel comfortabnle with.
Hang in there, we're almost out of this planetary-imposed purgatory! On May 3, 2018, the curse of Mercury, its retrograde and its shadow will release us!