'Poldark' Season 4 Is Already In Production & On Its Way To The Fans

Ross Poldark on Poldark might seem like a classic Byronic hero: tall, dark, handsome, and troubled, but he's frequently upstaged on his eponymous drama series by his wife, Dezmelda, who balances the challenges of being a woman in a time when women can't easily make their own decisions with headstrong determination. It's Dezmelda who's been able to make the third season of Poldark so popular and well-regarded in the U.K., and now the season is airing in the US as a part of Masterpiece Theater via PBS. And even though the third season is just finishing up in the states, fans may already wondering when Poldark will return for Season 4. Luckily, they won't have to wonder for long, because the series has already been renewed for a fourth installment, according to comments from star Aiden Turner to The Radio Times.
Also according to Radio Times, writer Debbie Horsfield hinted that Poldark Season 4 will premiere in summer 2018 in the U.K., as a result of the show's strong ratings. "I think it has held its own over the summer and so I am guessing that — and it is a guess — that there’s no reason to change that," Horsfield told Radio Times. A BBC source confirmed to Radio Times that the plan is to air the fourth season in "early summer," and Horsfield said, "We start filming in September," which means the production on the new season is already underway.
The series' production company, Mammoth Screen, has already been posting some non-spoilery behind the scenes photos on Instagram to commemorate the show's first table read in late August. And since that first table read, the show has begun filming its fourth season, and a few other hints and behind the scenes secrets have been revealed. Actor Joshua Whitehouse posted a short video of him "transforming" back into Hugh Armitage while, presumably, getting ready to film a Season 4 scene.
Another Poldark Season 4 hint — one role, at least, will look very different when the show returns, and thats's Geoffrey Charles, who will now be played by actor Louis Davison, according to The Express. The character is being recast in order to age up the young character, who was sent to boarding school by his unsympathetic stepfather George Warleggen. But this season, Geoffrey Charles will be back, and, we now know, the show's timeline will be moving forward. It's not clear if Geoffrey Charles will be leaving school as a graduate or after getting into some form of trouble, but judging by a photo of Davison the official Poldark Twitter account posted, he's aged into a very clean cut young man, and while he still seems fairly innocent, perhaps he'll be better prepared to stand up to George, one of the show's most notorious villains.
So while there is some time to wait, at least six to eight months, before Poldark returns for its fourth season, already there is plenty of behind the scenes content ready to analyze. One announcement that hasn't been made yet — when the series will be on Masterpiece in the US. The release of new episodes is usually delayed by at least a few months, but if Mammoth Screen and the rest of the show's U.K. producers and the BBC are hoping to get the series finished and on the air there as soon as possible, then hopefully it will be on PBS by the end of fall 2018. When the show returns, there may be a few different faces and a few new developments for the Poldarks, but Poldark should keep its signature romantic style, courtesy of Horsfield, and be back before you know it.