Something HUGE Is Happening With Taylor Swift's Twitter

Swifties are having a meltdown, thanks to social media. Something strange is happening: Taylor Swift has deleted her Twitter picture, and it could indicate that something huge is brewing. It also isn't the only thing that fans have noticed has changed on Swift's social media accounts. On top of the mysteriously absent twitter image, the number of tweets listed on Swift's account have significantly reduced. While they started in the high thousands, the number changed throughout the morning and seemingly at random.
It also appears that all of her social media accounts have also been changed, with all profile images having been removed. Mysteriously, her website also currently appears as nothing more than a black, empty void, and all of the posts on her Instagram account also appear to have been deleted. Her online presence has basically become a complete and utter blank space, and fans are currently unsure as to whether this is a savvy marketing ploy or a sign that Swift's social media accounts may have been hacked.
Either way, her unsettling online absence is currently breaking the internet as fans try to figure out why her social media is basically pulling a Carmen Sandiego of the highest order.
At 12:30pm, it appeared as though the singer's tweets had merely reduced from 3,333 to 999, however, around 1:15pm all of Swift's tweets had been erased. Every last one of them.
But by 2:15, thousands of them were back.
It's disconcerting to imagine that Swift's social media and website may have possibly become the target of hackers on such a large scale, should that happen to be the case. However a more optimistic reading of this scenario is simply that Swift is preparing to drop a new album by pulling such a radical move on social media. It's worth remembering, after all, that it's been three years since Swift's last album, 1989 was released. And, even more tellingly, prior to 1989, Swift tended to release albums every two years, in the fall. As we're fast approaching that season, the timing of her social media blackout feels perfectly in line with the potential release of a new album.
In May, E! reported that Swift was taking a break from the spotlight to concentrate on making new music. And, aside from her recent court case against DJ David Mueller, the star has remained notably absent from public appearances and social media. (Including, much to the dismay of fans, no online evidence of Swift's annual July 4th party, an event that traditionally causes something of a social media brouhaha for us all to pour adoringly over.)
If Swift's social media blackout is indeed a set up for a long awaited announcement concerning her new album, then it would echo her friend Ed Sheeran's cryptic social media activity in December 2016. Back then, Sheeran made a return to social media after a 52 week hiatus by uploading a block of light blue to his Instagram account. Sheeran's fans were understandably puzzled by the image, but were later satisfied to discover that it was a teaser for his new album, Divide.
Fingers crossed that this is exactly the sort of tactic that Swift is employing here. And that, by wiping her social media and website clean of all history and profile images, she's simply laying the groundwork for the sort of important post that will definitely break the internet.