Here's A List Of The Restaurants & Stores That Will Be Closed On New Year’s Day

If you had big plans for getting things done over winter break, you'll have to plan ahead, because the places that are closed on New Year's Day might surprise you. We all know that tons of department stores are open, promoting major sales, but other, perhaps more practical places like the post office and banks are closed. You can still have a totally productive break, but you'll have to get the bulk of your errands done by early afternoon on New Year's Eve or else you'll have to wait until Jan. 2.
Or, if you're looking for an excuse or permission to do absolutely nothing on New Year's Day but drink Champagne or watch re-runs of Gossip Girl in your pajamas, consider this your official letter of permission. Spend your day off however you want to, you deserve it — it's been a trying year for us all. But if you do have letters to mail, pressing bills to pay, or other official business to handle, you'll want to check out this list of places that will be totally closed on New Year's Day before you leave the house for no reason. There's a good chance that if you're not looking for some retail therapy, you won't have much of a reason to get out of your sweats on New Year's Day.
Post Office
All post offices will be closed on New Year's Day, and there will be no mail delivery or pick up, either. Make sure you get to the post office to send important mail by early afternoon on New Year's Eve.
Shipping Companies
It's not just the postal service which is shut down on the holiday, shipping companies like UPS and FedEx won't be delivering on New Year's Day. If you need something delivered by New Year's Day, you'll need to ensure that it gets to you by New Year's Eve, or else you'll have to wait until after the holiday to ship or receive.
Though ATMs will be on and functioning, banks will be closed. So if you have any financial business to take care of that can't be done via a bank app or ATM, you'll need do so before banks close on New Year's Eve.
No one's bummed about this, right? All public schools are required to be closed on New Year's Day, but most private schools are as well. If you're not sure, check with your school before rushing off to class. If you're enrolled in extra curricular classes or taking a course at a community center, you'll want to call and check to see if your classes are still on before the holiday.
Government Buildings
If you have a reason to be at the DMV or the local library, you'll have to wait a day as they're considered government buildings, so they'll be closed on this federally observed holiday. If you're dying for a new good book to read on your day off, you'll have to opt for an eBook or audio book.
If you were thinking that a great way to spend your vacation day would be to spend it at the museum, you'll have to think of another option. Most museums will be closed on New Year's Day.