Here's What Benoit Is Doing Now, After That Devastating 'Bachelor Winter Games' Moment

If you've already fallen in love with Benoit from Bachelorette Canada while watching Bachelor Winter Games, Thursday's episode was probably a bummer for you. After getting rejected by Clare Crawley, Benoit left the show, knowing that he didn't have feelings for anyone else in Vermont. So what's Benoit doing now after Bachelor Winter Games? Fans were pretty heartbroken to see him go, but it seems like he's doing just fine these days.
The good news: If you're missing him already, you can keep up with him on Instagram. The bad news: Most of his captions are in French, so unless you speak the language, you might not understand any of his posts. But does it matter? The photos are there, and it seems he's just as adorable as ever. And even though he was crying as he said goodbye to Clare on the show, it seems like he's OK now and having a blast back in Canada.
Lately, Benoit has been posting a lot about his time on Winter Games (including a really cute video of him singing "O Canada" while covered in maple leaves), so fortunately, it doesn't sound like he regrets going on the show at all. And according to his earlier posts, he seems like exactly the same sweet guy we got to know on the show.
His Instagram is filled with photos with him and his family and friends, and it seems like he has a lot of people in his life that he loves and spends time with. He doesn't post that often, but everything seems really positive. Oh, and he got a new car at the end of last year, so that's really exciting. It's what Benoit deserves, honestly. Actually, he deserves all the cars, one in every color, because his heart is as pure as the driven snow in Canada.
And he left The Bachelor Winter Games with a whole slew of fans from America. People can't stop tweeting about him after seeing how emotional he got about Clare and leaving the show, because honestly, how could you not love him after seeing all of that go down? There's something about him that's so different from the Bachelorette contestants who tend to be on the American show — and he was only on the show for an episode and a half.
The tweets speak for themselves, really, and most of them are calling for him to become a future Bachelor himself.
People are actually ready to dump Arie for Benoit, guys. This is serious love that's going down here. Of course, that's not going to happen, but if The Bachelor ever wanted to give things a new spin and bring in this Canadian (and he wouldn't be the first lead coming from America's hat) it doesn't sound like fans would complain at all.
It's definitely sad to see Benoit go, but good for him for moving on when he realized that's what he needed to do — and after showing so much vulnerability on national television, too. There's a lot to admire about that, and unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, including our time with Benoit. But maybe, instead of being sad that he left, we should all just feel blessed he was ever there at all.
Although Benoit's relationship with Clare and time on The Bachelor Winter Games are both over (and were both very short-lived), it seems like he's doing just fine. And, after finding out how sweet and lovable he is on the show, there's no doubt that he'll find the right woman for him, even if it isn't on reality TV.