There's no denying it that buying Valentine's Day gifts can cause a huge amount of stress. In fact, it can kind of ruin the holiday altogether. There is no ideal romantic gift — and the ones that seem "romantic" enough can seem really cheesy.
"Couples learn to dislike Valentine’s because of the pressure to be romantic, to do something special, and the disappointment when it doesn’t go right," Tina B. Tessina, aka Dr. Romance, psychotherapist and author of Love Styles: How to Celebrate Your Differences, tells Bustle. So what do people actually want?
Well, Splender, a unique online cash back shopping site, surveyed 1,000 people for their The Truth About Valentine’s Day 2017 survey. The first interesting thing was that 75 percent of women and 82 percent of men said they disliked the holiday — not great odds, as it it's hard to buy a present for someone who doesn't even like the occasion. But by focusing on what people actually say they want your odds will be a lot higher.
The good news? The gifts people really want aren't that complicated and you don't need to break the bank. In fact, 79 percent of people said they were going to spend $50 or less. So here's what you consider planning— these are what women actually want on Valentine's Day:
1A Nice Dinner Out
See, how hard is that? 21 percent of women said they'd like a nice dinner out. Granted, it's a little more complicated on Valentine's Day than on other days, because every restaurant feels like a gauntlet of cheesy decorations and overpriced wine. But it can be done.
And 16 percent of women said flowers, which is a great option. You can totally luxurious or, if you're really working with a budget, then cheaper options will totally do the trick. Just be aware of allergies.
Fourteen percent of women said that their ideal gift would be chocolate, because 14 percent of women are correct. I mean, there are only so many occasions where you can request that someone buy chocolate and deliver it to you. Sure I request it every day, but it only actually happens on those rare occasions like Valentine's Day. So don't be afraid to demand your favorite chocolates.
What should you avoid? Well, techie gadgets, alcohol, and tools were all at the bottom of the list— which wouldn't surprise me. What I did find a little unexpected was that lingerie fell second to last, but I guess that's more something you like to pick out for yourself rather than have someone else pick out for you. And if you don't like lingerie yourself, you're really not going to like someone buying it for you and suggesting you wear it. So stay clear from that, people.
Valentine's Day presents can seem like a huge burden and source of anxiety, but they don't have to be. Talk to your partner and see what they want to do and, if you want to surprise them, this survey shows classic gifts are probably the right way to go.