What To Get Your Dad For Father’s Day, Based On His Zodiac Sign

If you're having trouble figuring out what to get your dad for Father's Day, you could hire a private detective to follow him around and observe his life for a week and use that information to help you pick out the most useful gift, or you could turn to the stars. No one knows your dad better than the universe that made him, so consider ideas about what to get your dad for Father's Day based on his zodiac sign. Despite the rumors, all dads don't want ties and mugs for Father's Day. I might even argue that no dads want either of those things, because you've likely already given your dad a number of mugs and ties over the years for previous Father's Days.
Every dad is different and will want different things, but a good rule of thumb for gift-giving is to stick to presents that are practical. If your dad could use a new piece of furniture, for instance, he'd be happy to have it. If there's a gadget out there that could make his life easier, he'd be happy to use it. If there's a shirt that has less holes in it than the one he insists on wearing around the house, he'd probably be happy to wear it. Furthermore, we can narrow down exactly what type of practical gift to get your dad by looking at his zodiac sign for a general assessment of his personality.
So, with that in mind, I've broken down dads by zodiac signs so to help guide you towards the kind of practical gift that your dad is going to appreciate the most. Some signs are most moved by sentimental gifts, while other signs are more touched by snazzy things. To make sure you get the right thing, take your dad's astrological profile as an indicator and get him the perfect gift, for him.
Aries men are are not the most patient, so an impressive gift that they can use immediately is the best gift there is. Get your dad an artisanal piece of furniture that he can literally sit in and enjoy, right away. This wooden accent chair from Rove Concepts will particularly satisfy his love for the natural world and interior design.
The Taurus man is practical and loves to be in nature. Combine these two attributes and you've got an easy to use herb planter. This will quickly become your dad's favorite new project and he'll be so proud to cook with his own bounty.
The Gemini man is curious, loves information, and gets bored easily. Gift your Gemini dad a book that's filled with fascinating information, pictures, and page-turning content. This book is a great conversation piece too, so you and your dad can talk about your bucket lists and maybe come up with some ideas you can cross off together.
The Cancer dad is a sentimental dad. On Father's Day, he really doesn't want anything too snazzy. Make him a photo album that's as beautiful as a book, filled with great memories and you'll have a very happy dad, even if he's weeping.
Leo men are passionate and dedicated. Get your dad tickets to something that he's a fan of. Whether it's a band, a team, or a show, get him two tickets to something meaningful and he'll feel so seen. What's more, he might bring you with him so it's a gift for you too.
Virgos are deeply practical and when they're buying things for themselves, they do a lot of research. There's really nothing more practical that earth-saving, so get your Virgo dad something from the Package Free Shop that's already been pre-vetted by environmentalists who know better.
Just because Libras are easy to please doesn't mean you should drop the ball totally. Get your dad a gift certificate to Open Table so that he can enjoy a nice dinner his favorite restaurant, whenever he wants. He'll be excited by this gift and glad for the opportunity to pick.
Scorpio men are intense, psychologically speaking. Gift your dad a crystal that will help him stay balanced and positive. Whether your dad believes in the healing power of crystals or not, he'll enjoy this beautiful piece of jewelry that he can at least keep on his desk for good aesthetic vibes.
The Sag man loves to travel, and is incredibly proud of his international lifestyle. Gift your Sag dad a map that he can scratch off places he's visited as he goes. He'll be glad to hang up this map to show off his accomplishments and help him dream up his next trip.
Capricorns are hard workers and appreciate anything that makes their lives more efficient. Gift your Cap dad something that is going to boost his productivity and impress him at the same time. This planner is customizable so it leaves room for him to make it his own, which is rare for pre-ruled planners.
Aquarius men get excited over tech-y gifts, especially ones that are entertaining and that cater to their creativity. If your dad has an iPad Pro, gift him the Apple Pencil and good luck getting his attention any time soon because he's going to be obsessed.
Pisces men are sentimental and easily impressed by a DIY effort. If it comes from the heart, your dad will love it. So, instead of spending money on a flashy gift, bake your dad a pie from this cookbook with fresh, local fruit and bring it to him for a Father's Day treat that you can enjoy too!