This Is How To Make Sure Your Dog Stays Happy & Healthy When You Go To Work

Our co-workers can't all be dogs, and so, if you have a pup, he or she typically has to hang back at home while you hustle at your 9-to-5. This is a bummer for all parties involved, which is why you'll want to know what to do with your dog when you go to work to make sure it's happy. Because, let's be real, the ~real~ job here is being a dog pawrent. That's a round the clock responsibility of the pupmost importance.
Because it's probable that you feel as much pride and joy about your doggo as a new parent does for their newborns, "throwing the dog a bone" just won't suffice. Keeping your dog happy when you're at work takes more than just ~a bone~. Though, to be fair, sometimes that's all the amusement a pup needs.
Thankfully there are many ways to keep your dog entertained while you're entertaining conference calls and clients. Knowing your dog will have a treat dispensing toy to stay occupied throughout the day will soften the blow of puppy dog eyes as you rush out the door in the morning. When we can't spend all day tossing frisbees and treating our dog to a 24 hour day spa of belly rubs, we can at least turn on the radio to keep our dogs happy!
Doggy Daycare
If you're not comfortable leaving your dog at home all day and all by its lonesome, bringing Fido or Fluffy to a trusted doggy daycare might be the perfect solution. While you're at work, they'll be treated to social activity and major attention. The most important part is that they'll be distracted from your absence.
Hire A Dog Walker
Not all dogs are the socializing type. If your dog is more of a homebody, but you're hoping they get some fresh air between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, you might want to think about hiring a dog walker. Going on mid day walks could boost your pup's mood!
Leave The TV On
Does your dog love company? The sounds of a television show could keep your dog feeling comforted, and therefore happy, so you won't have to come home to a trash that's been strewn across the house in protest of your work schedule.
Find A Playmate
I mean, I'm not going to tell you to get another dog because that's not my decision to make for you, but dogs who have a day-long playmate can be happier than those who are left to chase their own tail. If you're more of a one dog kind of household, doggy day care or other playdate options could help keep your dog happy while you're at work.
Get Smart With Their Toys
Bones. They're cool. Dogs like them. But dog toy technology has advanced considerably and can help pass the time. Filling a KONG dog toy with peanut butter will give your dog a daily mission that results in happiness. Dog puzzles also exist which "provides mental stimulation," according to Chewy.
Make Your Dog A Nook
Sometimes comfort equals happiness. Making sure that your dog has a little nook they can cuddle into with their favorite toys can help keep them content. Hey, I'd be happy if I could take all the naps throughout the day.
Leave Music On
If you don't have a television or just don't want your dog watching cartoons all day, leave the radio on. Whether it's NPR or the local pop radio station, the voices can soothe your dogs worry that you're never coming back.
Go On A Morning Walk
Start your dog's day with activity. Quality time with your pup before a long day of work will make you both happier. And it might just tire out your pup so they snooze the rest of the day away, content with their morning exercise routine.
Hide Treats Around The House
Create a puzzle of your own by placing treats and toys around the house for your pup to find. The mission will make your dog feel accomplished, rewarded, and most importantly — happy.
Bring Them To Work!
Want your dog to be really happy? Bring them to work! That is, of course, if you have a dog friendly office. They'll be workplace celebrities and completely relish in the attention.