For the third year in a row, Bustle's Upstart Awards are honoring young women who are doing incredible things in the realms of business, STEM, fashion and beauty, the arts, philanthropy, and beyond. Want to be an Upstarts honoree one day? Read on for career tips, insights, and inspiration to help get you there.
When it comes workplace burnout, Americans really excel. According to the results of a May 2017 study by the Families and Work Institute of 1,003 workers, more than half of U.S. employees often feel overwhelmed with their jobs and overworked. A similar study of 1,000 U.S. workers from March of this year by ABCNEWS.com found that a quarter of employees work 50 plus hours a week and 22 percent worked more than five days a week, with some working every single day. The result is one hell of a stressed out country in the workplace, as work burnout is more common than we'd like to think.
But the problem with work burnout is trying to recognize it. Are you truly burnt out or is it something else? Before you can make a move to fix the situation, you first need to identify if it's indeed work burnout.
"My first suggestion is to get a Life Coach!" Gestalt Life Coach and psychotherapist, Nina Rubin, tells Bustle. "Why? Because you probably need unbiased and fierce support. Maybe this burnout means you're fatigued, maybe it means you're ready to begin looking for a new job or career."
While you can bounce back from having burnout at work, it is going to require some effort on your part, as well as switching up your usual routine. So before you throw in the towel on your current job, try these tips from Rubin first.
"Start taking a class — either physical or academic — on something that is new," says Rubin. You need something else in your life! You need to know that there's more to your existence than your job. That there's life outside the office and it's interesting and fun and fulfilling! A class can do that. Besides, haven't you been meaning to learn a second language, just in case you decide to move abroad at some point?
Moving your body and exercising can be amazing for stress. While it won't erase you work burnout entirely, it will make you feel better, relieving some of that tension and anxiety in your life. Rubin says getting moving.
According to Rubin, browsing meetups and finding one that's a good fit can also help. It's not just a great distraction from the day-to-day, but it will get you out there meeting new people. New people, surprisingly, can add something to your life that you might be missing.
Rubin suggests finding a "new activity to create something that's not part of a routine." While this can be anything, finding hobbies that will let your creative juices flow will definitely help. Having something that's not part of the daily monotony of your life will open your brain and heart to new experiences, giving you the opportunity to find your happy place.
"On a day off, pretend you're on vacation," say Rubin. "Eat tropical fruit and find a way to create a vacation-like atmosphere for yourself: swimming pool, visit a new neighborhood, and do a touristy activity on your staycation."
As Americans, we tend to overwork. We don't take enough time off, we don't stop and smell the flowers, and even when we feel exhausted, many of us just keep pushing ourselves. It's important to practice self-care and recognize the signs of being burnt out. When you finally do, you can take the next steps of making your life better and getting back on track. No job is worth your mental and physical misery.