What The Day Of The Week You Were Born Says About You
Friday’s child? Sunday’s child? Here’s what it means for your personality.

If you believe in numerology, which is the belief in the divine relationship between numbers and events, there's a lot you can do to interpret your personality based on the date during which they occurred. And if you don’t already have your birth chart done and dusted, you’ll want to phone home and ask “what day of the week was I born?” and get other important dates handy to learn more about their significance. Your life path number, which can help you see what your purpose or mission is, requires you to do some math with your full birthdate, while other big numbers, like those that correspond to your full name, for instance, or some combination of your birthdate and name, add to your numerology chart. All those components boil down to single-digit numbers, which correspond with personality traits. So what does the day you were born say about you?
First, note that there's a difference between your full birth date, and the actual day you were born. While numerology addresses the former, the latter is more of a planetary thing. Interestingly, the days of the week are actually named after planets or other stars in Hellenistic astrology: Sunday is sol, or Helios, the Sun; Monday, lunes, lunedi, or lundi in Spanish/Italian/French is luna or Selene, the Moon; Tuesday, martes, mardi or martedi in those romantic languages, is Mars; Wednesday (miercoles, mercoledi, mercredi) is named after Mercury; Thursday (jueves, giovedi, jeudi) is Jupiter; Friday (viernes, venerdi, vendredi) is Venus; and Saturday (sabado, sabato, samedi) is Saturn. The planets, in turn, are named after Greek and Roman gods and goddesses, and thus they tend to have their own distinct personalities, which can correspond with days of the week, and leave their marks on those born on each day.
And, of course, if you're getting real deep, there's the popular nursery rhyme, "Monday's Child" that harkens all the way back to the 16th century:
Monday's child is fair of face
Tuesday's child is full of grace
Wednesday's child is full of woe
Thursday's child has far to go
Friday's child is loving and giving
Saturday's child works hard for a living
But the child who is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonnie and blithe and good and gay.
Numerology expert, medium, tarot card reader, and clairsentient Seth Vermilyea tells Bustle that adding planetary influence to number theories helps to round out the characteristics of people based on the day they were born. “History will often gender and stereotype individuals,” Vermilyea says, explaining that using tarot can help to predict what people’s “attitudes and actions” will be like.
Want to decode your innate traits, or learn more about your loved ones on a mystical level? Here's a closer look at what the day you were born on says about you.
According to astrology, people born on Sunday are lucky ducks. Their ruling star is the Sun, which typically means they'll be bright, creative, bold, and loud. Vermilyea says Sunday’s child is “often looking for their path, stands out in a crowd and looks for the spotlight.” Sundays are also the start of the week, suggesting those born on them will be natural leaders. And, of course, if you're using the nursery rhyme as your guiding light, if you’re a Sunday baby, you’re a cheery bunch, indeed.
Monday is ruled by the Moon, which according to astrology, is a maternal entity rooted in dedication to kindness and family. In that vein, people born on Mondays are motherly, sensitive, adaptive, and kind. “They may take time to make decisions, reveal their (and others) truth in mysterious ways, and be naturally psychic,” Vermilyea adds. According to the nursery rhyme, Monday babies are physically attractive, too. Believe what you wish.
In Greek and Roman mythology, Mars (or Ares) is the War God, and so people born on Tuesdays come with a fiery, fighting spirit. These folks are brave, impatient, energetic, active, and driven to succeed, sometimes to a fault. Vermilyea tells Bustle that Tuesday’s babies have an “energy that feels like a push rather than a pull,” and that they may feel “as if they have a greater destiny to fulfill.” Or, as the nursery rhyme goes, they're "full of grace."
Mercury is the god of finance, travel, and communication — you may remember his Greek counterpart, Hermes, as the sneaker-and-sunglasses-wearing god from the Disney movie Hercules — and so it stands that Wednesday's children are very communicative. They're also versatile, and a bit careless, though so are the best of us. “They are also capable of many pursuits and will seek several options until they land on the one that suits them best,” Vermilyea says. “These efforts may feel like many failures rather than many experiments to a greater outcome,” he adds. According to the nursery rhyme, they're also very melancholy.
The thur in Thursday is actually derived from the Norse god Thor, who you may recall from the Marvel Avengers series. Unfortunately, people born on Thursdays do not automatically get to resemble Chris Hemsworth, but they do take on many of Thor’s personality traits. Thor or Jupiter, in the Roman, is optimistic, genial, and generally a fun god to be around, which means Thursday's babies get to be the life of the party. Additionally, Vermilyea says, “They may find themselves in need of controlling a situation, judging an event, or in a management or other leadership role.” Of course, the nursery rhyme claims Thursday's child has "far to go," which, can be interpreted as ambitious.
Friday is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, balance, beauty, romance, elegance, and pleasure. Lucky Friday babies are social animals, artistic, and obsessed with beauty and love, though they can also be downright narcissists. Vermilyea says that although Friday’s child is an “artisan in life” they can also be “a bit scattered,” as their creative pursuits are born from life experience.
Finally, Saturday's children come courtesy of Saturn, the god of wealth, freedom, and agriculture (gods had a lot of duties in Roman times). Tragically, this does not mean that Saturday babies will grow up to be rich, but they will be modest, studious, wise, practical, and strict — and according to the nursery rhyme, they’re hard workers. Vermilyea says those born on a Saturday can come across as “very severe and in control,” but to counter that is “their study of philosophy and refined poise and conversation.” AKA a very interesting dinner guest.
Seth Vermilyea, medium, tarot card reader and clairsentient, at Psychics1on1.
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