After completing an investigation into an alleged incident between contestants DeMario Jackson and Corinne Olympios, Warner Bros. concluded no misconduct occurred and announced that Bachelor In Paradise will resume filming. Now, it's been revealed which Season 4 cast members are coming back to Paradise when it starts shooting again this weekend. According to The Hollywood Reporter, most of the 16 original Season 4 castmates are returning, including Raven Gates, Amanda Stanton, Vinny Ventiera, and Lacey Mark, who have confirmed they'll be back via social media. That's also where many of these Bachelor In Paradise cast members reacted to the allegations about their costars, Jackson and Olympios.
It hasn't been confirmed whether Olympios or Jackson will be returning to the show after the investigation, which focused on whether an alleged sexual encounter between the two was consensual. But whether they return or not, Bachelor In Paradise should still address consent in the premiere. (In a statement, Olympios' lawyer said they would continue their own investigation, which makes it sound unlikely she's heading back to paradise.)
But plenty of the returning BiP contestants have already shared their opinions on the allegations that shut down filming. You can read their range of reactions below.
1Robby Hayes
Hayes was one of the first contestants to tweet his reaction to the shutdown. Hayes wrote in a now-deleted tweet: "What happens in paradise, stays in paradise," along with the hashtag #NoComment.
No surprise, the seemingly insensitive tweet didn't go over well. Next time, the contestant, who appeared on JoJo Fletcher's Bachelorette season, should take his own hashtag advice and just say #NoComment.
2Raven Gates
Though she's friends with Olympios, Gates took to Twitter to defend Jackson, claiming she thought race played a significant role in the allegations. When fans pushed back saying they were "sick" over how Gates was treating Olympios, who appeared with her on Nick Viall's season on The Bachelor, Gates tweeted, "Do you 'care' to know the TRUTH?" she asked. "Or would you like to keep villainizing an innocent man?"
When someone else wrote that Gates was "contributing to a culture that makes it nearly impossible to convict rapists," she posted the following tweet.
According to Refinery29, Gates also made claims that Olympios is doing this for publicity. Gates accused Olympios of being on "E! News every night via her lawyer smearing a man's name," along with the names of the "producers that love her."
3Jasmine Goode
Goode, who also appeared on Nick Viall's season of The Bachelor alongside Olympios, claimed to E! News, "The day of the incident under investigation, Corinne did not display any change in behavior from what was observed by the cast on her season of The Bachelor." She added, "Corinne forced herself on three male cast members, when they were unable to consent, in addition to engaging with DeMario."
In a statement with the Daily Mail, Goode also said she "was taken back with Corinne's statement that she's the victim. That may be the role she plays on the show, but it's a role. I don't believe she was a victim or traumatized."
After those bombshell statements, Goode took to Twitter to refute statements that Olympios allegedly had "minor bruises" and a "busted knee" from the situation with Jackson.
4Wells Adams
The fan-favorite on JoJo Fletcher's season of The Bachelorette, who will become the bartender on this season of Bachelor In Paradise, released a statement explaining, "I can only speak from my own experiences." He went on to say, "Some of the greatest moments in my life happened in Paradise."
But he was quick to let fans know he wasn't trying to be "insensitive or accusatory in any way," he was just sharing his own story of the show. "I'd ask before you pass any judgement or say hurtful things to anyone about this," he wrote, "you remember that there is a lot unknown and untold."
5Amanda Stanton
Stanton refrained from speaking out about the allegations until it was announced that filming would resume. In an interview with E! News, she said she had kept quiet because she was concerned about Olympios.
"I've talked to Corinne. Corinne is one of my friends. I think it's probably difficult with all of this being so public, but I think she's doing OK. I think this thing is just unfortunate for everyone involved whether it's Corinne or DeMario or the producers. I think everybody probably wishes nothing ever happened."
While Stanton said she was excited to return to Paradise, she was also a little "hesitant" but wanted to believe the show was doing what was best for everyone.
"It's been so crazy and the whole scandal has been all over the media and it's been hard to know if you're doing the right thing," she said. "But I think if they're starting filming back up, I trust that they're doing the right thing."
6Chris Harrison
Sure, Harrison isn't in the cast technically, but fans were waiting for the host to respond to the shutdown. In a lengthy statement, Harrison wrote,
"There are a lot of competing details in the various press accounts of the incident. And there’s a lot of misinformation out there too. We urge everyone to be patient until the investigation is complete."
Shortly after it was announced that filming had resumed, Harrison tweeted, "Thank you for your patience, trust and loyalty #BachelorNation."
Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 is still expected to premiere this summer as planned.
Editor's Note: A previous version of this story incorrectly referred to Bachelorette alum, Wells Adams, as "Adam Wells."